Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Post #3

Period 3 only- period 1 can post for extra credit if you like

Post two pieces of evidence regarding the truth about your character's purpose. Please type the character name first, the evidence and the page, and a brief explanation of what it says about your character.


  1. Virginia

    "What's in your book? Will they say it's heretical. (104)"
    This quote shows that Virginia is helpful and she is making sure Galileo is on the right path to reach his goal of spreading his theory.

    "I hope I always say the right thing. Ludovico: she's afraid she's going to let us down. (76)
    This quote shows that Virginia is caring. She always thinks what is the best thing to do to help others.

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  3. Mrs. Sarti

    Evidence: “You’re not going to start those hellish goings on again, Mr. Galilei” (93).

    -“How many times have I told you, not to wheedle free lessons out of Mr. Galilei” (50).

    Brief Explanation:
    Mrs. Sarti’s purpose in the play is to dispel the idea that no lady is considered smart and she is teaching people that some housemaids have their own opinion, instead of being ignorant. For instance, “You’re not going to start those hellish goings on again, Mr. Galilei” (93), in this quote, she says that woman have ideas and are intelligent, and Brecht, the author, doesn’t believe that the woman have a valiant teaching on the ideas of Galileo’s theories. Fortunately, Mrs. Sarti also shows that many people that believed in the church, such as Galileo are trying to figure out a way to evolve society but for the better. Even though, people believed in the church, they still wanted to retrieve more information besides the church’s opinion. In addition, “How many times have I told you, not to wheedle free lessons out of Mr. Galilei” (50), Mrs. Sarti has an opinion about Galileo’s theories, but she believes that people including her son Ludovico, shouldn’t believe in these ideas because they can cause chaos later, which is similar revolting against the church but instead Galileo is using words. Lastly, Mrs. Sarti uses her expressible opinion to inform the audience that some housemaids aren’t ignorant and can understand ideas of occurrences in the world, since she provides her valiant opinion. Overall, Mrs. Sarti is a valiant character that expresses the idea that housemaids aren’t ignorant and they have an idea on science.

    Carmelinda Coppola

  4. Jullian Guirguis
    Mrs. Sarti

    “You understand, don’t you? Last night he tried to tell me that the Earth goes round the sun.” (50)

    Mrs. Sarti does not believe in Galileo’s theories. She does not know anything about science and is ignorant in this field. She is only a maid and that is what she is good at. She is the mother of Andrea and supports him but does not try to learn about science by herself.

    “Marriage is too serious a business to go in blind. Now you should go to see a real astronomer from the university and have him cast your horoscope so you know where you stand.” (87)

    Mrs. Sarti is looking out for Virginia. She is like a mother figure to her. She guides and gives her a lot of helpful advice that benefits her greatly. She disproves the theory that all low class people don’t know how to live and need others to guide them. She is part of the low class and can help and guide other people.

  5. Character: Virginia

    "Eight long years with tongue in cheek. Mrs.Sarti and Virginia are at a long table sewing bridal linen."(87)
    Virginia is an example of Galileo. She waited a long time for her wedding to happen. Doing nothing about it but, waiting. If Galileo does nothing but wait for the right time to tell people the "truth." The opportunity to get marry was in Virginia's grasp but she did nothing to obtain it. Like his daughter, Galileo may lose the only chance to tell people the "truth" if all he did was wait. It's like this: Destiny does not come to you. You make your own destiny.

    "VIRGINIA:Here is the rector."(104)
    During Galileo's time, women was looked down at. Men thought women can't help them and that they would be a burden if they do. Also, that women is only suppose to get marry, have children, do house work, stay home and to serve their husbands. However, Virginia helps her father in a very important matter. She was not a burden but, help to Galileo. For his eyes couldn't see that well. Virginia is not married, have no children, and does not stay at home. She disproves of the stereotype of women during Galileo's time.

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  8. Andrea

    "So force cannot accomplish everything. What has been seen can't be unseen. Man is constant in the face of death"(113). "A man has stood up and said No"(113).

    This dispells the fact that the poor are ignorant because Andrea supports others for change. This quote shows that Andrea purpose is to support others and to have faith in them. He has faith in other people doing what's good for the society, even if it will result in death.

    "Andrea goes, reading Galileo's book. The CLERK starts to bring his baggage after him. The barrier rises. ANDREA passes through, still reading the book"(128).

    This quote shows Andrea leaving with Galileo's book about his theory. He is dispelling the idea that the lower class poses no threat to the church. He poses a huge threat because him leaving with the book allows Andrea to spread Galileo's teachings.

    Victor Acevedo

  9. Mrs. Sarti

    1."If my son has to go to hell for sticking to you, that's my affair..."(94).

    2."Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You'll soon have him saying that two times two is five"(50)

    These quotes say that Mrs. Sarti is an ignorant and judging person. She automatically deems Galileo's theories wrong even though she doesn't know what it means or what it talks about. She doesn't stop to look and see if it is true or not for herself. She judges before getting to know something.

    Peter Hansen

  10. Virginia

    1- Virginia-"Oh, I want to look beautiful"
    Galileo-"You'd better. If you don't they'll start saying all over again that the earth doesn't turn" (76).
    This quote shows that Virginia is supporting her dad because she wants people to start believing her dad's theories.

    2- Virginia-"What did you find through the tube" (64).
    This quote shows that Virginia cares about what her dad is trying to explain. She wants to know if he has support for his theroies so maybe she can spread his theories out.

    Kamal Barakat

  11. Andrea

    "Science. The study of the properties of motion, mother of the machines which will themselves change the ugly face of the earth." (122)
    This quote shows how Andrea believes that with science earth and its situations such as the hierarchy can be fixed, if only people tried to accept before denying it.

    "No, I can't say she isn't a witch. I haven't looked into it. A man can't know about a thing he hasn't looked into, or can he?" (127)
    This quote shows how unlike other people to go go along judging and assuming things but what they see with their eyes as what appears to be true, Andrea looks further than that, he sees behind sight to uncover the truth. Andrea uses a sience technique in ehich things are analyzed first before Rey are proven and that is what helps him see things differently from others

    ~ Elizabeth Bonilla

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  13. Ludovico

    "You'll have to be patient with me, sir. Nothing in science makes sense to me at all." (51).
    This quote shows that Ludovico is ignorant when it comes to science. Science doesn't make sense to him and neither does he understand it.

    "Me mother is set on the idea that science is necessary nowadays for conversation." (52).
    This quote shows that Ludovico doesn't think for himself and doesn't make his own decisions. He does what his mother tells him to do or follows what others do/believe.

    -Cindy Chan

  14. Little Monk

    1."Mr. Galilei, I am a priest. You are also a physicist"(85).
    This quote disproves the stereotype that the church members are dumb. This quote shows that Little Monk is intelligent because he is a scientist. Since Little Monk is a scientist he has to have some sort of knowledge about the world around him.
    2. "God made the physical world, God made the human brain. God will allow physics"(97).
    This quote shows that Little Monk is not ignorant because he is supporting science while still being loyal to the church. Little Monk says that God created everything, including science, so the church must accept Galileo's theory.

    Kevin Sanchez

  15. Little monk

    "Mr.Galilei,I heard Father Clavius say: "now it's for the theologians to set the heavans right again." you have won(74)"

    this was the first line little monk ever said in the book. in this his role was to prove that not everyone fro the church is the same and can be diffrent. The church would make Galileo break down but little monk was boasting him up and supporting him wich is the reason he first came out.

    " I do not come from the great city (83)."
    little monk here is breaking the stereo type that evryone from the church has to come from a high position but in reality he is now admitting that he was from a low place ending that stereo type.

  16. Mrs. Sarti

    1. "You'll soon have him saying two times two is five"(50)

    Mrs. Sarti does not believe in Galileo's theories. So She knows that two times two isn't five., this is false. So she saying that his theories are also false.

    2. "How many times have I told you not to wheedle free lessons out of Mr. Galilei.

    This shows Mrs. Sarti being showing the side of her being a natural mother. She doesn't want Andrea to believe in Galileo. HSe wants her son to side with her and the church.

  17. Mrs. Sarti
    Mrs. Sarti is part of the low class. She is ignorant because she is not open to new ideas. Mrs. Sarti believes that the church is always right and if one goes against the church they will go to hell. She is afraid ti go against the church because of there power.
    1) Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the soon (50). Since Mrs. Sarti is following the church, she believes what they tell her to believe. The churches theories say that the earth is the center not the sun. She is being ignorant because she is not open to new ideas and does not want to listen to them either.
    2) Now you should go see a real astronomer from the university (87). Now this quote makes me laugh a little. Galileo is studying astronomy and many other things. But since his theories go against the church Mrs. Sarti does not want his opinion. She is being ignorant because she no longer ask for Galileo she rather stay away from him.

  18. Virginia

    1. "Ludovico likes to entertain. We must take care to be neat. His mother notices every stitch." (87) This quote shows the sweet, caring side to Virginia. She is dismissing the false idea by Brecht that all women are dumb.

    2. "Fret not daughter, if perchance
    You attract a wanton glance.
    The eyes that catch a trembling lace
    Will guess the heartbeat's quickened pace.
    Lovely woman still may be
    Careless with felicity." (76) This quote kind of relates to Brecht's message. In this play, Brecht creates all the female characters as being dumb. He does this with Virginia by making her look like she only marries Ludovico for the money and attention.

  19. Ludovico

    "Before I forget, mother sends her congratulations on your admirable tact over the latest rumblings of science" (91).

    Ludovico himself is being warned by the mother to warn Galileo not to do anything that will cause discontent or unpleasantness that can happen soon. Truth says that Ludovico is an ignorant person because he doesn't care of science but his "image" as in marrying a women whose father might go against the Catholic Church. He minds what Galileo's theory is about if it's going against the powerful one.

    "I don't understand science, sir" (51).

    Ludovico isn't a smart person especially in science but his "image" of being near Catholic Church matters more than science. He is ignorant in science.

    -Stephanie Wang

  20. Andrea

    "Unhappy is the land that breeds no hero" (115).

    Besides the fact that Andrea was a supporter of Galileo I think Andrea's purpose was like Federozini's, to dispell the false of idea of people being ignorant. The church thought that Galileo's ideas being exposed to society would be bad for them and bad on the church's behalf for being wrong because these people believed in them. Andrea said this quote after Galileo had recanted, he saw Galileo as a hero even if Galileo didnt believe he was one himself. I think he not only looked up to him as a hero for just himself but as one to society, to give them reason to think and believe on their own and not be empowered by the church.

    "Andrea (shocked): They are wicked" (68).

    When Galileo is first presenting his telescope to the court no one goes near it, but Andrea marches to the end of the room. His mother's question as to what is the matter with him is followed by this quote. This quote shows that Andrea sees the true colors of the upperclassmen. All they kept doing was trying to challenge Galileo and never really giving him a chance to show what he's got. When Andrea tells them to take a seat and Federozini tells the to take a look through the telescope because they'll be interested (67) the professor just laughs and takes it as a joke. He probably thinks he can outsmart them because they're lowerclassmen and that is why he challenges Galileo instead of just simply looking through the telescope. Through Andrea the idea that the upperclassmen are the smartest and know best is dispelled, when in fact they are just ignorant.

    Kayla Paula

  21. 1."You understand don't you.Last night he told me the earth goes around the sun.You would have him saying two times two is five." (pg 50)

    2."You’re not going to start those hellish goings on again, Mr. Galilei” (93).

    Mrs.Sarti is from the lowers class.It is obvious she has no knowledge which gives her a ignorance behavior. From the beginning when this theory is told she bluntly right off the bat said this is crazy and Nuts. She doesn't believe in Galileo theory one bit. She believes in the church way more when all they do is say that the earth is in the center of the universe. Till the every end Mrs.Sarti still thinks this is some crazy idea and she never believed one bit. Galileo has all these proof and it's right in front of her she still won't believe his theory is right. There is many ignorance known in the lower class. We all know the lower class is ignorance.On the top of everything it sounds like they have no opinion of their own. All they do is listen to the church.

  22. Ms. Sarti

    "You'll soon have him saying that two times two is five." (50)

    "Every time i hear them laugh it sends shivers down my spine." (90)

    Explanation: Ms. Sarti is in the play just to question Galileo's theories. She doubts every word he says and thinks all his ideas are nothing but foolishness. Though she is in the play for a more specific job which is to think for herself instead of believing what the church tells her. She cannot go against the church because of its high authority thus as every other lower class person, she doesn't believe Galileo's theories.

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  24. Little Monk(Period 3)

    1."It has shocked me into realizing that free research has its dangers.I have had to decide to give up astronomy"(82).

    2."Silent from the highest of motives:the inward peace of less fortunate souls"(84).

    Little Monk has given up astronomy so he doesn't cause problems for the church like what Galileo did to them.The only reason the lower classes work is so it will pay off in the afterlife.But if the Church was to be proven wrong, the lower classes will think of them as not important and been cheated on. The Church has been lying to them the whole time so they can benefit themselves. This will cause destruction and chaos to the whole social hierarchy. This is why Little Monk says sometimes it is necessary to keep ideas to yourself to benefit society to Galileo.

    -Kevin Weng

  25. Little Monk:

    "... God made the human brain. God will allow physics."(96) This dispooves the idea that if you follow physics you are going against God. Little Monk is saying that it is okay to use your brain and follow God.

    "I am priest" This disprooves the idea that everyone in the church is ignorant. Galileo is in the chucrch, but he is very open minded. He studies physics and thinks for himself and dosen't let the teachings of the church control his brain.

  26. Andrea

    1. . "GALILEO: It's complicated.
    ANDREA: I think I could understand it." (47)
    . "ANDREA: Listen all of you, they are murdering the truth." (113).

    2. Brief Summary:
    The first quote shows that Andrea is a curious person, and since he is curious, he is willing to learn new things, even if it may be a little complicated, he still works his best to understand it. The second quote shows that he really supported Galileo's theory, and he says this because they are making Galileo recant, making his theory unbelievable. So Andrea refers to them making him recant as "murdering the truth".

    Kayla Williams

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  28. Little Monk

    1) "Mr. Galilei, I am a priest. You are also a physicist"(85). This proves that there are exceptions to the ignorant members of the Catholic church. There are others that don't only care about their power.Also this proves that Galileo had some followers and didn't just have people who disagreed.

    2) '' I don't understand this sentence.'' (86) This proves that the people in power aren't the smartest people. There are people in the lower class that are smarter than the people in the higher classes. However, society is too ignorant to see this.

  29. Aileen Gonzalez (period 1 )

    "Virginia: Isn't that new thing father made pretty?
    Ludovico: Yes. a pretty red. Where i saw it first it was covered in green.
    Virginia: what was? " (58).

    "Virginia: Ludovico likes to entertain. We must take care to be neat. His mother notices every stitch. She doesn't approve of father's books." (87).

    "Fret not daughter, if perchance
    You attract a wanton glance.
    The eyes that catch a trembling lace
    Will guess the heartbeat's quickened pace.
    Lovely woman still may be
    Careless with felicity" (76).

    These quotes all show the perspective that Virginia has among her surroundings and her actions. The first quote shows how brecht makes Virginia as in women look dumb. Virginia knows nothing about science which makes her and women in general useless to the scientific revolution. Brecht makes women seem dumb because women are part of the lower class. Usually the perspective of women is to clean, cook, and take care of children, which is clearly not ture. But as for Virginina she does not cook nor clean nor takes care of children. Virginia is not very smart she seems to just look for fame and money. As for she cares about marriage and wants to look "elegant" for her wedding. The third quote shows that Virginia is pleasing and an appropriate manners and styles. Yet that doesnt make her dumb nor interested. Even though Virginia looks for fame in Ludovico because he is in part of the upper class she is able to stay simple.

  30. Little Monk

    "No, I found out that I think the decree is a wise decree. It has shocked me into realizing that free research has its dangers. I have had to decide to give up astronomy. However, I felt the impulse to confide in you some of the motive which have impelled even a passionate physicist to abandon his work." (82).

    "You don't think that the truth, if it is the truth, would make it's way without us?" (85).

    Brief Description:

    Little Monk's purpose in the play was to convey ignorance. Little Monk's character stands with the Church. He knows that Galileo has creditability but in the end he always chooses the Church. Little Monk portrays ignorance because he knows that there is truth and evidence yet refuses to believe in it because of what the Church teaches him. He refuses to let the power of the Church be proven wrong and therefore dismisses his scientific work. He is ignorant to what is going on. This is just like most of the people in their time. They have no idea what is happening and are blinded by the Church only because the Church incorporates bliss into their ignorance.

    Cassidy Charles

  31. Virginia
    "VIRGINIA: Oh, I want to look beautiful...Oh father, I didn't tell you: you're famous...The hairdresser in the Via Vittorio kept the other ladies waiting and took me first. (Exit.)" (76).
    "VIRGINIA kneels in a corner, praying and counting her beads...VIRGINIA prays louder." (111-112).
    Brecht is trying to show the reader that women are unintelligent and greedy. Virginia seems to only care about the fame and fortune that comes with her father's theory in this part of the play. She wants to be pretty which is narcissistic. She seems not to care so much about the details of her father's theory. She just knows the basics: that the earth revolves around the sun and that people are against this theory. She attends church services such as mass which show that she is with the church who is against her father and his theory. She even prays for her father to say that his theory is false. In part, she is going against her father and weakening his argument. How can the daughter of a scientist attend church services? It is hypocritical.

    Salma Nakhlawi

  32. 1)"Ludovico: My future wife must take her place in the family pew.
    Galileo: You mean, if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent?
    Ludovico: In a sort of way" (93).

    2)"Ludovico: My mother was assured that you had undertaken not to get mixed up in this turning-around business again, sir" (94).

    These quotes show that Ludovico is high class and a ignorant man. He didn't care about what the truth was or what was really going on all he cared about was making sure that he can keep his wealth and power he has. So all he really cares about is pleasing his family and church so he can keep his comfortable life style.

    Nina Pena Period 1

  33. Mrs. Sarti

    ”You understand, don’t you? Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You’ll soon have him saying that two times two is five.” (50).

    “You’re not going to start those hellish goings-on again, Mr. Galileo?” (93).

    Both of these quotes show that Mrs. Sarti is ignorant about science. The first quote shows that she believe science is bad even though she hasn’t given it a chance, she just goes with the church tells her. It also shows he is being controlling over Andrea because she continuosly tells him to stop learning from Galileo. It’s stereotyped that woman aren’t smart and that they don’t have any opinions. The second quote shows that Mrs. Sarti does have an opinion.

    Anthony Grullon

  34. - Joy Mai -

    Mrs. Sarti

    "You'll soon have him saying that two times two is five."(50)

    "How many times have I told you not to wheedle free lessons out of Mr. Galilei?"(50)

    These quotes show that Mrs. Sarti is afraid of change since she is from the lower class. She doesn't believe that science is the best way to go and doesn't want to convert her beliefs. She also wants to keep her son, Andrea, from learning about science because she wants him to follow the Church. She believes that the Church is right because she grew up learning that God is watching them and the Earth is the center of the universe. She is afraid that science can cause her to lose anything that she has already gotten so she tries to ridicule Galileo's theory at one point.

  35. Little Monk

    "I am a priest. You are also a physicist." (85)

    "free research has its dangers." (82)

    Brecht is trying to say that there are also church officials who would side with Galileo and not all people connected to the church are ignorant. On the first quote, Brecht is describing how little monk was studying physics, when he was not suppose to since he belongs to the church. On the second quote, Brecht is describing how little monk is giving a warning to Galileo about how hard it is to get through the ignorant townspeople.

  36. Andrea

    “The bible proves the earth stands still…And gentlefolk, they say so too. Each learned doctor proves (If you grease his palm): The earth stands still. And yet – yet it moves. (92-93)

    “Andrea: The fear of death is human.
    Galileo: Even the Church will teach you that to be weak is not human. It is just evil.
    Andrea: The Church yes!...(123)”

    Andrea is dispelling the idea of ignorance in society, He is similar to what Federzoni is dispelling because he express’s the play’s main idea. Andrea talks the ignorance of people actually believing in the church regardless of the many times the truth has been brought up. These two quotes are examples of that.

    Ayerin Gomez

  37. "The earth stands still. To prove it so he takes it by the ears." (92).

    "The sun is the pivot of our world, therefore the earth is not the
    center. The earth moves, spinning about the sun and he showed us you
    can't make a man unsee what he has seen." (112).

    The first quote proves that Andrea is in the play to show how he notices other people around him believe what they hear with out having proof and the second quote shows how he disproves everyone is against Galileo's theory.

  38. Ludovico

    "My mother is set on the idea that science is necessary nowadays for conversation"(52).

    "I have seen the day when my poor mother has had to have a dog whipped before their eyes to remind them to keep their place"(95).

    Ludovico is spelling the ideas of ignorance in society and social hierarchy. Ludovico is the upper class but follow everything his mother says, ignoring his interests and society. Ludovico as a upper class see himself no wrong and feel that Galileo is consume by his foolishness of proving his theory and has no ideas what it bring. Ludovico is shows as a puppet character because of his ignorance to every things and his class is a symbol of it.

    Tony Chan

  39. Little Monk

    1. "It has shocked me into realizing that free research has its dangers. I have had to decide to give up astronomy"(82).

    When Little Monk discovers all the problems that astronomy and other forms of physics had the potential to cause he figured it more helpful to leave things the way they are instead of speaking out against society. If Little Monk worked to speak out against the church society cold have been devastated and a social system that has kept things in order would crumble.

    2. "God made the physical world, God made the human brain. God will allow physics"(97).

    This quote shows the Little Monks purpose is to dispel the thought that if you are with the church you are against physics and vice versa. Throughout the play there has been a clear line that separated the church and those who study physics, however with the introduction of Little Monk the audience is able to understand that you do not have to choose a single side. This is Little Monks purpose in the play.

    Logan Mancuso

  40. Virginia
    - "The hairdresser in the Vio Vittorio kept four other ladies waiting and took me first. (Exit) (76)".
    - "You hang around the church too much. And waking up at dawn and scurrying to mass is ruining your skin. You pray for me, don't you? (105)".
    Brief Explanation:
    These two quotes demonstrate that the only things Virginia cares about are status and popularity. She was so excited to be considered basically a V.I.P. when she went to get her hair done. She didn't care about what that might mean, Galileo being famous for the wrong reasons and it is shining a bad light on her. She just cares and thinks that her status was higher than that of the other women waiting. She also wants to impress the church by going to mass and waking up at dawn. She also did that to impress Ludovico's family because she had wanted to marry him. Virginia is a shallow character that is full of insecurities.

  41. Mrs. Sarti

    "Wasting your time with Andrea! How many times have I told you not to wheedle free lessons out of Mr. Galilei?"

    Whenever Mrs.Sarti would try to voice her opinion or convince Galileo of something, Galileo would just ignore her words. This shows how women weren't considered smart back then. Women weren't respected as well as men were.

    "You'll soon have him saying that two times two is five"(50)

    This shows how ignorant Mrs. Sarti was. She represents some of the lower class, who were unable to accept Galileo's new theories and ideas. They did not want to learn that their life did not have a purpose. She dismisses this all very quickly because she refuses to believe that it is so.

    --Carol Liao

  42. Ludovico-

    1: "They showed me an instrument like that in Amsterdam. You'll pardon me, sir, but it didn't make sense to me at all" (51)

    This shows that Ludovico is ignorant when it comes to science. Even though he's in the upper middle class he doesn't have much knowledge towards science, and that's why he went to Galileo for help.

    2- "My mother is set on the idea that science is necessary nowadays for conversation" (52)

    This show's ignorance and social hiearchy. In the upper middle class people talk about science, but Ludovico doesn't know much about science. Which doesn't make him look good since he thinks so high of himself towards the end of the book, when really he doesn't know much about science himself.

    -Maria Gonzalez

  43. Little Monk

    "You don't think that the truth, if it is the truth, would make its way without us?"(85).
    -This quote shows that the little monk knows that even if Galileo is trying to tell the truth to everyone, things will not go as expected. Based on his stories, he thinks that revealing the truth will cause chaos throughout the region. He knows that spreading the truth will not end out what Galileo is expecting to happen.

    "They are old!"(85).
    -This tells us that the Little Monk is trying to tell us that the people who follow the church will only follow the ancient ways of life and will never believe in the modern science that was brand new in that time and that could prove them wrong. This shows that the little Monk is trying to help Galileo and probably knew what the church leaders would do. By saying that they are old tells Galileo about this and thats why he paused for a moment during their conversation.

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  45. Andrea

    "No I can't say she isn't a witch. I haven't looked onto it. A man can't know about a thing he hasn't looked into, or can he?"(127)

    "...The sun is the pivot of our world, therefore the earth is not the center. The earth moves, spinning about the sun. And he showed us. You can't make a man unsee what he has seen."(112)

    Andrea dispels the idea of how everyone will think when hearing about Galileo's theory. He tells people that he won't believe anything unless he sees it with his own eyes; this can represent some of the lower class men. Some people might think like Andrea; not believing unless you see it for yourself.

    Vanessa Song

  46. Virginia
    1. "Oh, father, I didn't tell you: you're famous. Why? The hairdresser in the Via Vittorio kept four other ladies waiting and took me first" (76).
    Virginia thought that her father is famous and that’s the reason why the hairdresser kept other ladies waiting and helping her first. She is ignorant to think about this while her father is trying to spread his theories.
    2. "Not now, Your Eminence. I must go home to prepare for the wedding" (81).
    Virginia is naïve. She still thinks that she is going to get married. They’ve been engaged for eight years and didn’t get married yet, but she still thinks that they are getting married. She don’t even know the reason behind, the reason why they didn’t get married.
