Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog Post #1

PRINT OUT or HAND WRITE your post and bring it to class on Monday.
  1. Fully type out a quote from the play that shows how your character thinks.
  2. Explain what kind of thinking this quote shows about your character.
  3. Fully type out a quote from the play the implies or directly indicates what you character's social class is.
  4. Explain how this quote shows where you character falls in the social hierarchy.

You must write ONE ORIGINAL POST and ONE COMMENT POST based on someone else's post. (Only comment on posts that have not been commented on already!)


  • post the name of your character at the top
  • post
  • post your name at the bottom


  1. Little Monk

    “We must be silent from the highest of motives: the inward peace of less fortunate souls”(84). Little Monk is scared of what will happen if the poorer citizens get hold of Galileo's theory. He feels that by keeping quiet about it the people will keep their air of happiness. Galileo's theory being exposed could ruin that peace and ruin the people's faith in what the Church has already told them. Their lives along with their suffering would be meaningless.

    “Little Monk: Mr. Galilei, I am a priest. Galileo: You are also a physicist”(85).

    Little Monk is always in the middle of the social triangle. He is a monk that is with the Church, but he is also with Galileo as a scientist. He cannot belong to one specific class because both are part of his character.

    -Cassidy Charles

  2. -Ludovico-

    1)"If we Marsilis were to countenance teachings frowned upon by the church, it would unsettle our peasants"(94). Here, we see that Ludovico is nothing more than another spineless coward who is afraid to go against the church. Similarly to the Cardinal from scene 5, Ludovico is too ignorant to understand science, and goes with what the church says because he has no reason not to. This ignorance causes him to turn down Galileo, his theory, and his daughter.
    2)"(reading a letter of recommendation he brought) You came by way of Holland and your family lives in the Campagna? Private lessons, thirty scudi a month." This quote points out that Ludovico is around the upper middle class. To travel around from Campagna to Holland to Italy is not cheap, and then to pay 30 scudi monthly for private lessons means that Ludovico has a lot of money. However, his family still lives in the Campagna, a peasant town, suggesting that while Ludovico *does* have a lot of money, he doesn't have much power in the social hierarchy of things.

    -Nicholas Maddalena-
    (having troubles with my real Gmail account, so had to send it from this one.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Cassidy Charles
    1) I agree with you to a moderate extent. Little monk *does* support Galileo and *does* want to conceal the heliocentric theory, but not only for the peasants. In my opinion, Little monk is still a clergyman, and looks out for the church as well as the peasants. So while he does want to protect the lower class from feeling even worse about thier lives, he also wants to keep the upper class, or the church, in power.
    2)I can't help but disagree with you here. Although little monk does say that he once studied physics on page 82, that doesn't mean he took it as a profession. It's almost like a hobby of his, whereas he focuses most of his time on the church, putting him on a high spot in the hierarchy.
    Nicholas Maddalena

  5. Mrs. Sarti

    1."Mrs. Sarti: You're not going to start those hellish goings-on again, Mr. Galilei?"(93).

    2.This quote shows what Mrs. Sarti thinks about Galileo's theories. She refers to Galileo's theories as "hellish goings-on". Since Galileo's findings are new in his time period it might be seen as strange by others. Mrs. Sarti must feel this way about what Galileo is saying. Mrs. Sarti and the rest of the people of that time period have thought the earth was the center of the universe for two thousand years. Changing the belief that people thought were true for two thousand must be hard to do, especially for Mrs. Sarti.

    3."Mrs. Sarti, who has come in with a glass of milk and a roll, has been watching"(50)

    4. This quote shows that Mrs. Sarti is on the lower part of the social hierarchy. If her job is to serve Galileo as his housekeeper, she can be seen as lower than Galileo. Plus if she can follow him from Padua city to Florence, that must mean she does not have her own house but lives with Galileo. Not having a house could classify you as poor as well.

  6. Character: Virginia

    Virginia: "You had better ask Monsignor Carpula to send the doctor. Father can't see this goose across the room."(117)
    This quote shows that my character thinks about her father's well being. Virginia cares for her father, watches over him and stays with him even though he is a prisoner of the Inquisition. I think that Virginia might be thinking, I'll take care of my father for the rest of my life. Also, Galileo is her only relative and she wants to be with her only kin.

    "SENATORS and OFFICIALS on one side, GALILEO, his daughter VIRGINIA, and his friend SAGREDO, on the other side.VIRGINIA is fourteen and charming. She carries a velvet cushion on which lies a brand-new telescope."(55)
    I believe that Virginia is around the middle class in the social hierarchy. She is the daughter of Galileo, the famous professor. Professors are usually in the middle or upper class. However, Virginia is a woman and women in the 1600s were look down at. Also, she was bestowed the honor to show people the brand-new telescope. Plus, Virginia was standing near the officials and senators who are in the upper class and no lower class person would be allow near them. So Virginia is in the middle class.

    Way Sey

  7. Nicholas Maddalena

    I agree that Ludovico is a coward when it comes to church. On page 93, Galileo says,"You mean, if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent?"(93). This says that Ludovico is embarrassed and scared to have the daughter of a man whose theories go against the church in his family.

    As for the social hierarchy I shall agree with that as well." can have no idea how much responsibility that sort of thing entails"(95). Ludovico claims it to be a big job to be in charge of the peasants of the Campagna.

    Peter Hansen

  8. Peter I agree with you, that Mrs. Sarti does find what Galileo is saying strange. She also wishes that he would keep his thoughts to himself and not teach her boy Andrea about it.
    I have to agree with you again Peter, I think Mrs.Sarti is in the lower class. She is a housekeeper and only can watch Galileo and not to speak until spoken to. Also, when Galileo addresses Mrs. Sarti, he calls her Sarti. If she was in the same class or a higher class then him. Galileo would address her as Mrs. Sarti and not Sarti.

  9. Way Sey Leung

    I agree that Virginia cares a great deal for her father and she sacrifices most of her life for him. Although, is that all there is to her?

    I disagree yet agree with your placing of Virginia in the social hierarchy. She was the daughter of Galileo, yes, but scientists were also looked down upon. Since Virginia is the daughter of one, and not educated herself, her status is below Galileo's. I do agree with your point that only people of higher statuses could stand next to senators and officials. So, this does show that Virginia has some kind of upper presence.

    Cassidy Charles

  10. Andrea
    “Ah! A ladle! You see, I would have taken it for a broomstick, but I haven’t looked into the matter as you have, Paolo. Here is your sling.” (128)
    This quote shows that Andrea doesn’t like sticking to other people’s ideas. He thinks beyond the point like Galileo does. He tries to prove something else besides what others think.
    “A barefoot boy, Andrea, son of the housekeeper, Mrs. Sarti, enters with a big astronomical model.” (47)
    This quote shows that Andrea is on the bottom if the social hierarchy because it says that he’s barefoot and that he is the son of the housekeeper.
    Gloribel Romero

  11. Ludovico

    1) “I see you have made your decision. It was inevitable. You will always be a slave of your passions. Excuse me to Virginia. I think it’s as well I don’t see her now” (95).
    2) This quote shows how Ludovico minds that Galileo is continuing his theory. Ludovico said that if Galileo continues then he will not be able to see Virginia anymore. Galileo would be going against the Catholic Church and Ludovico does not have that courage to be part of the family with him because it’ll effect him. If he’s related to Galileo somehow and Galileo is going against the Catholic Church, Ludovico’s rent wont be paid by the peasants anymore because they lost their trust in them. In other words, Ludovico is selfish and only considers mostly for himself.
    3) “Galileo: You mean, if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent?” (93)
    4) Ludovico falls between in the upper class or a little higher than Galileo in the social hierarchy. He can also be considered a Catholic Church person because his rent is paid by the peasants. He’s clearly being said that if Virginia marries him and Galileo is going against the Catholic Church, his rent won’t be paid by the peasants. Because the peasants believed in the Catholic Church and the Bible, so if its proven wrong or claimed wrong by someone then they won’t listen to them anymore.

    -Stephanie Wang

  12. Little Monk

    "We must be silent from the highest of motives: the inward peace of less fortunate souls" (84).

    This quote shows that Little Monk wants Galileo to keep silent and not share his theory with the public or chaos will erupt. Because, the majority of the people who follows the church believes EVERYTHING that is told to them as they don't know how to read or write.

    "Mr. Galilei, I am a priest" (85).

    This quote shows that Little Monk is in the middle of the social heirachy. Little Monk is nothing but a mere follower in the social ranks in the church, and he knows that the church is in full power.

    Alisia Chan

  13. I agree with Gloribel Romero that Andrea does not like to believe in what others say unless its proven. In this case about the boy claiming Marina as a witch isn't proven but is said that it's true by his cousin. But even though it's coming from someone's mouth that it is true, you don't know yourself. He does try to prove something else besides what others think like Gloribel just said.

    And I also agree with her that Andrea in the social hierarchy is at the bottom. First of all, Galileo calls Mrs.Sarti as "Sarti" meaning that he doesn't respect her since he's above her. "Oh, yes, it's Ludovico, so it is. Well! Sarti, get a jug of that..." (90) And according to the quote Gloribel found, it did mentioned that Andrea is the son of Mrs.Sarti.

    -Stephanie Wang

  14. Stephanie Wang

    I agree with the quote showing how Ludovico doesn't want Galileo to continue his studies and how if he does, he won't be seeing Virginia anymore.

    I also agree with where Ludovico is placed in the social heirachy as he once hired Galileo as his tutor and when he mentioned of the pews, he stated how Virginia's family name can harm his family's status.

    Alisia Chan

  15. Ludovico

    1. "I see you have made your decision. It was inevitable. You will always be a slave of your passions. Excuse me to Virginia. I think it's as well I don't see her now." (95)
    Ludovico thinks that Galileo shouldn't go against the church. He hopes for Galileo to recant. Because of Galileo's theory, Ludovico can't marry Virginia. Ludovico is afraid of going against the Catholic Church because that will ruin his status and wealth.

    2. "I decided on the spur of the moment. I was over inspecting our vineyards at Bucciole. I couldn't keep away." (90)
    Ludovico is in the middle class because he's wealthy. He has his own vineyards where there's grapes to make wine with. Having his own vineyards kind of show that Ludovico is high-class.

    -Cindy Chan

  16. Alisia Chan

    I agree that Little Monk doesn’t want Galileo to tell his theory. If Galileo’s theory is told, people of the social hierarchy would possibly stop believing in the Bible.

    I agree that Little Monk is at the middle of the social hierarchy. He’s a priest and also a physicist who studied about physics and astronomy. Little Monk has knowledge and he’s part of the Catholic Church.

  17. Little Monk
    1)"They have been told that god relies upon could they take it...they would feel cheated..." (83-84).

    2) This quote shows that Little Monk thinks that Galileo should not go against the church because they will think of him as an enemy and they will feel cheated and if he was to confront them then society would not trust the church anymore.

    3)" Mr. Galilei i am a priest" (85).

    4) This quote shows that Little Monk falls at the middle of the social class. He is in between with Galileo and Ludovico even though he belongs to the church.

    Comment: I agree with alisia chan because little monk does not want Galileo to confront the church because if he does society will lose faith in the church.
    I also agree that he is in the middle of the social class because he is a scientist also like galileo.
    Erick Rubin

  18. - Ludovico

    1. Ludovico:"Marriages in families such as mine are not arranged on a basis of sexual attraction alone." (93)

    2. This quote shows that Ludovico thinks about his position in the social hierarchy. It shows how keeping his social status is important to him and that he can't only marry Virginia based on her looks. It also shows that Ludovico cares about what others think of him. If Ludovico were to marry the daughter of the man who's theories go against the Church, then Ludovico would be looked down upon by others and would lose his place in the social hierarchy.

    3.Ludovico:"My mother is set on the idea that science is necessary nowadays for conversation."(52)

    4. This shows that Ludovico falls into the upper middle class because his family can afford to pay scientists to educate him. Science was necessary in conversations of people in upper classes because the conversations took place during the scientific revolution. It also showed others that the person was well educated unlike people of the lower class who couldn't afford to be educated and had to spend most of their time working for people of upper classes like Ludovico.

    - Elizabeth Saballos

  19. - Cindy Chan

    I agree with Cindy and her answer to question 1. Adding on to her response for question two, Ludovico owning vineyards shows that he is of upper class so i'm assuming that Ludovico and his family own a lot of land and also have peasants working for them on their land. I infer this based on this quote: "Why two months ago a rumor went around an apple had been found on a pear tree, and they left their work in the fields to discuss it." (94-95) In this quote "they" is referring to Ludovico's peasants that work on the fields of the land he owns. So I can also infer that Ludovico falls into the upper class of the social hierarchy because he has peasants working for him.

    - Elizabeth Saballos

  20. Character- Mrs. Sarti
    1. "Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You'll soon have him saying that two times two is five"(50).
    2. This shows that Mrs. Sarti does not support Mr.Galileo and his theory. Since Andrea told his mother, Mrs. Sarti about Galileo's theory she got mad because she believes in what the church says about the earth being the center of the universe.
    3. "Well, I hope we can pay the milkman in this new era"(50).
    4. This shows that Mrs. Sarti falls in the bottom of the social hierarchy. She wants Galileo to make money so she can pay the milkman so her son can have milk to become healthy. She is currently having troubles paying the milkman because she brought up the topic of paying the milkman in the first place.

    -Anastasio Farag

  21. - Erick Rubin

    I agree with Erick on his answer to #2. Adding on to what Erick said about Galileo and his theory, little monk also doesn't want Galileo to spread his theory because if he does then all the peasants would feel like no one is looking at them anymore and would feel cheated. Since the church said that God looks at the peasants , they felt as if they were actually important to someone and if Galileo ruins the church then it would also ruin the peasants' thinking of them being important to someone instead of just being an ordinary peasant.

  22. -Mrs. Sarti-

    1. "you are very young, and you have no mother..and marriage is to serious to go into blind."(87)

    2. This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti cares about Virginia, Galileo's daughter. She treats Virginia as if she were her own child. Since Andrea is too busy with Galileo, she spends more time with Virginia. This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti thinks by showing how much she cares about her son and Virginia, like any natural mother.

    3. "Oh yes Ludovico, so it is. Well! Sarti, get me a jug of that Sicilian Wine. The Old kind."(90)

    4. This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti falls on the bottom of Social hierarchy because how she is disrespected by Galileo. He disrespects her by how he calls her "Sarti" and not Mrs. Sarti. This quote also shows Mr. Gailileo's point of view. To him, Mrs. Sarti is simply just a maid or a servant because of how much she gets bossed around, especially by him.

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  25. -Anastasio Farag-

    I agree with Anastasio's statement. How Mrs. Sarti fall at the bottom of Social Hierarchy. I aslo agree with how he said se doesn't believe in his theories. But I think she is not mad at Galileo's theories. I think she is mad at how andrea believes them and Galileo. Just like any mother, she wants her son to be on her side. She wants Andrea to follow her and believe what she says. And scince Mrs. Sarti believes in the church she would want the same for her son. And I think this is how the church gets their beliefs to spread from one person to another

  26. Mrs. Sarti

    1) “Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You’ll soon have him saying that two times two is five.” (50)

    2) This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti doesn’t really know much about science and is clueless about Galileo’s teachings. She is one of the many other people who just accept the church’s teachings and doesn’t try to observe anything by herself. She finds all these teachings strange and somewhat impossible. She has been living life for such a long time with the idea that the church is right. If someone came and told her that all her life she has been lied to, of course she’s going to be skeptical and she would never believe them.

    3) “Mrs. Sarti re-enters, followed by the servant. They bring wine and glasses on a tray.” (91)

    4) This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti falls on the bottom of the social hierarchy. She is in a very low class because she is bringing in beverages for everyone else. She is accompanied by other servants showing that she has the same profession as them. She isn’t that important to the other characters because none of them ever have to do the same work as a servant does.

    Jullian Guirguis

  27. Fuad Baghdady

    I agree with Fuad’s answer to first quote. Ms. Sarti does really care about Virginia as one of her own children. She is willing to give her advice and help her excel in life. You are also right when you said that she spends more time with Virginia than Galileo. Galileo is always busy with his profession and theories, to help Virginia out. But Mrs. Sarti can relate to Virginia in many different ways and can give her a lot of good advice.

    Jullian Guirguis

  28. Andrea

    1. "No, I can't say she isn't a witch. I haven't looked into it. A man can't know about a thing he hasn't looked into, or can he?" (127).

    2. This quote shows that my character, Andrea, feels that if you were to assume something without really "looking into" (observing) then, you wouldn't know for sure if it is true or not. Basically, he is saying he couldn't tell if something was true, unless he had proven evidence and had observed it himself. That is why he told the boy this, because the boy heard about Marina being a "witch" from his cousin, but he had not seen her himself to know if it was true or not.

    3. "CUSTOMS OFFICER (to Andrea): Why are you making this journey?
    ANDREA: I am a scholar." (126).

    4. This quote shows where my character, Andrea, falls in the social hierarchy because it is, in a way, saying he has enough money to travel and that he is a scholar, meaning, he is someone who has learned something and/or has a scholarship for something.

    Kayla Williams

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  30. Elizabeth Saballos

    I agree with Elizabeth on her answer to number 4 because it also connects back to what I was saying with my answer to number 4, of how Andrea is a scholar. Her answer helps my answer because Andrea has enough money to pay for classes too. This shows that he too is in the upper class of the hierarchy, almost like Ludovico.

    Kayla Williams

  31. Mrs. Sarti

    1.”You understand, don’t you? Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You’ll soon have him saying that two times two is five.”

    2. This quotes shows Mrs. Sarti is against Galileo’s teachings. Mrs. Sarti knows Galileo is teaching Andrea (her son) about his scientific theories. Mrs. Sarti thinks that Galileo’s theories are all wrong because they go against what the church is telling the citizens. She is not willing to learn about science and is only going by what the church tells her.

    3. “A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs.Sarti, enters with a big astronomical model.” (47).

    4. This quote shows that Mrs. Sarti is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Mrs. Sarti brings in an astronomical model because she is Galileo’s housekeeper. Mrs. Sarti job as a housekeeper is similar to a servant, which shows that she is under Galileo and at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

    Anthony Grullon

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  33. -Little Monk-

    1.It has shocked me into realizing that free research has its dangers.I have had to decide to give up astronomy"(82).

    2.This quote shows that Little Monk thinks he will cause danger to the church if he continues to study astronomy.Galileo got insulted by the people in the society and felt hatred. Little Monk felt that society dislike Galileo because he is trying to go against the church at his own will by saying the earth is not the center of the universe. Little Monk is scare that it will happen to him because his studies are similar to Galileo's, so he decided to give it up and stop his researching.

    3."Galileo: The robe you're wearing gives you the right to say whatever you want to say"(82).

    4.Little Monk is in the middle class but higher than Galileo. Little Monk is part of the lowest class in the churches and he may be lower than the lowest since his name is "Little" indicating that he is weak and powerless. But Little Monk has more power than Galileo because according to the quote he has the power say whatever he desires to and Galileo doesn't have that kind of power. This quotes also shows how powerful churches are, you just need to belong in the church to have power greater than anyone in society who is not.

    -Kevin Weng

  34. -Anthony Grullon-

    Response to question number 2:

    I understand why you think Mrs. Sarti is following the church because she doesn't want her son to learn things that are not relevant to the church. But what if Mrs. Sarti is just trying to protect herself and her son from the churches and the society. She doesn't want her son to be in danger. Mrs. Sarti does not want to follow the church and also does not want to follow Galileo's teaching. If Mrs. Sarti is following the churches' teachings then why would she work with someone who is against her own belief? There is more than one person who will hired Mrs.Sarti in the whole country, but she wants to work with Galileo instead.

    -Kevin Weng-

  35. Virginia

    1) " Oh father, you promised to go to bed tonigh, and it's five o'clock again" (63)

    2) This quote shows that Galileo stays late until the morning alot. Virginia cares about her father's health to tell him to go to sleep early not 5 o'clock in the morning. She knows that it is bad to stay up and and not sleep so she wants the best for her father to tell him to go to sleep early.

    3) "Senators and officals on one side, Galileo, his daughter Virginia, and his friend Sagredo on the otherside. They are dressed in formal, festive clothes." (55)

    4)This shows that Virginia is in the middle class because she can be dressed formally. If you are from the lower class you might not even have enough clothes to wear so how can you even afford to talk about dressing formally. Virginia can't be in the upper class because her father is a scientist and scientist can't be part of upper class in this social hierachry. So Virginia is part of the middle class.
    ~Michelle Wu

  36. Kevin Weng

    I agree with you that Little monk knows that it will be dangerous to continue researching which is going against the church. Little monk knows this because he knows that the church is in power right at the momenet and if he continues his resarch, then he will die. For the same purpose, he will not addmit the he knows that Galileo is right about the fact that the sun is the center of the earth.

    Michelle Wu

  37. Mrs.Sarti

    1st quote
    "Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. you'll soon have him saying that two times two is five." (50)

    This quote is saying that Mrs. Sarti believes that Galileo and his theories are nothing but foolishness and that he makes no sense.

    Quote for the social class

    "A bare footed boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs. Sarti, enters with a big astronomical model." (47)

    Mrs. Sarti is in the lower class because she is a housekeeper. Her son, Andrea takes lessons from Galileo.
    Iqra Rashid

  38. Mrs. Sarti
    1)If my son has to go to hell for sticking to you(94).
    2) This quote shows that Mrs. Sarti thinks that Galileo's teaching are bringing her son to hell because he agrees with Galileo. Mrs. Sarti thinks that she must go with the church because she believes that the have the power to chose who goes to hell or heaven. Since she is low class she believes what the church tells her and she doesn't want to go against there word.
    3) Well Sarti,get a jug of that sicilian wine...(90)
    4) This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti is part of the lower class. Galileo is middle class and speaks to Mrs. Sarti without respect, which shows she is beneath him.
    Luis Beato

    I agree with Kevin Weng Little monk believes he will bring danger to the church. If people see that someone part of the church doesn't fully believe the church then other people will lose faith in the church.

  39. I agree with Michelle Virginia is middle class because low class would dress formal. While high and low class would not dress like that.

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  41. Elizabeth Saballas

    I agree with Elizabeth because Ludovico does care about his social status instead of being with Virginia. All he cares about is her body and not what or how she feels. He leaves Virginia because her father Galileo's theories go against the church which he is apart of.

  42. -Little Monk

    "How could they take it, were I to tell them that they are on a lump of stone ceaselessly spinning in empty space, circling around a second-rate star? What, then, would be the use of their patience, their acceptance of misery? What comfort, then, the Holy Scriptures, which have mercifully explained their crucifixion"(83-84).
    -My character is thinking about the state of society. He thinks that Galileo's theory contradicting the Bible will lead to a very chaotic society. The Little Monk envisions this society as one in which there will be no order since the Bible will not give people the moral support they need to perform their duties. The Little Monk thinks this because he believes that if the peasants have no moral reason to work, then the basic needs of society won't be fulfilled.

    "Too often these days when I am trying to concentrate on tracking down the moons of Jupiter, I see my parents. I see them sitting by the fire with my sister, eating their curded cheese. I see the beams of the ceiling above them, which the smoke of centuries has blackened, and I can see the veins stand out on their toil worn hands"(83).
    -As you can see, the Little Monk is originally of peasant class. That is the lowest class in the current social hierarchy. But he does ascend and descend social classes based on his decisions to become a scientist or a monk.

    -Samir Jasarat

  43. Response to Alisa Chan,

    -How is Galileo's theory contradicting the Bible going to affect the peasants in regards to the social hierarchy in society? You should elaborate more on that and that and try to incorporate the answer to that question into your interview. I believe that this a crucial aspect towards understanding the Little Monk and his role in "Galileo".

    -Samir Jasarat

  44. Henry Chu

    Character: Ludivico

    "It doesn't turn, sir" (Galileo laughs)(76)
    In this quote, it shows that Ludivico is very important to this book and that Ludivico is thinking about what he said as a joke to Galileo. As Ludivico finshes saying this quote, Galileo laughs which is an inference that what Ludivico said was not true, in terms of the earth not turning.

    "Good morning,sir. My name is Ludivico Marsilli." "Private lessons, thirty scudi a month." (51)
    In this quote, it shows that Ludivico falls in the social hierarchy of the upper class because he has come here from Campagna to obtain private lessons fomr Galileo. Going to private classes show that he is rich and can support himself.

  45. Henry Chu

    Response to Samir's question:

    Galileo's theory contradicting the Bible is going to affect the peasants in regards to the social hierarchy in society because these peasants live the bible, believing that when they go to heaven, they will get everything they want. Now as the peasants work hard, in return they will get what they want when they go to heaven. These peasants believe this bible because the church is saying that the earth is the center of the universe meaning that god is watching upon thes peasants, so if Galileo tells everyone that the sun is actually the center of the universe, this would mean that god isn't watching over these peasants, so they would get waht they want in heaven.

  46. Mrs. Sarti

    1. Mrs. Sarti's quote: "You understand don't you? Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You'll soon have him saying that two times two is five"(50).

    2. This quote shows that Mrs. Sarti ponders as in comparison to the citizens. For instance, Mrs. Sarti doesn't want to believe Galileo's ideas, because she knows that many people will find his ideas are absurd. Basically, she knows that power and authority is essential since the Catholic faith is on top of the social hierarchy, which intimidates many citizens such as herself and others. She believes that Galileo's ideas are clever, but many people won't believe in the ideas since there are peculiar. Furthermore, Galileo's ideas would make society confused because all society believes in the faith since everything else such as science can evolve others perspective of the faith.

    3. A quote that represents Mrs. Sarti's social class is the italicized words in scene 1: "Galileo's scantily furnished study. Morning, Galileo is washing himself. A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs. Sarti, enters with a big astronomical model" (47). Another quote that represents her status is also in italicized words but in an indirect way, "Mrs. Sarti re-enters, followed by the SERVANT. They bring her wine and glasses on a tray" (91).

    4. This first quote shows Mrs. Sarti is at the bottom of the social hierarchy but a little underneath Galileo,since she works for Galileo. For instance, if it was a chiropractic industry; the boss makes the most money, but the others that work for the boss receive a little less than the boss, which is similar to Galileo and Mrs. Sarti. Galileo pays Mrs. Sarti therefore, she is beneath him on the social hierarchy. Secondly, Mrs. Sarti is also a little beneath Galileo because during scene 8, Galileo discusses about the wine to Ludovico and Mrs. Sarti was the one with the servant that brought the wine. Thus, during the 17th century, the people that brought any beverages or food was the servants, and there were the individuals at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Overall, Mrs. Sarti falls under Galileo on the social system.

    Carmelinda Coppola

  47. Blanca Melendez
    Response to Henry Chu
    1-2) I think that you are correct in the way that Ludovico thinks; he does not agree with Galileo. I think you should look at scene 8 thoroughly and see that Ludovico's thinking is also affected by his family.

    3-4) I believe you are incorrect about Ludovico's status in the social hierarchy. Ludovico's parents can definitely be considered upperclassmen but Ludovico himself is not married nor does he own anything, therefore I believe he should be categorized as a middle class man.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. "You understand, don't you? Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You'll soon have him saying that two times two equals five"(50).

    This quote shows that Mrs.Sarti is trying to say that Galileo's theory doesn't make sense. Everyone believes that earth is the center of the universe because of the church and Mrs. Sarti believes it. She is trying to comapre how evryone knows that two times two is four to how crazy Galileo's theory was.

    Character: Mrs.Sarti

    "Galileo's scantily furnished study. Morning. Galileo is washing himself. A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his house keeper, MRS.SARTI, enters with a big astronomical model"(47).

    This quote directy states that Mrs.Sarti is part of the lower class. She is a house keeper of Galileo. Housekeepers are on lower classes.

    Tony Chu

  50. Virginia
    1-2)Scene 3 "Oh, father, we'll be at the court (64)". This quote truly displays that the only things Virginia thinks about are status and money. Galileo had just explained to her that he wanted to go to Florence to see if Prince Medici would agree with his findings and Virginia could not care less. Her thoughts are definitely not the deepest in the well.

    3-4) Scene 3 "And my poor daughter will never acquire a husband unless she has a dowry, she's not too bright (61)". It was completely unplanned, but the last part of that quote can also answer question 2. However, this indirectly states that Virginia is lower class because Galileo is worrying about making enough money for her in order to get her a husband. Galileo may be lower middle class, but Virginia is definitely lower class and probably wouldn't last a day on her own.

    Blanca Melendez

  51. Carmelinda Coppola

    I agree with your response to what Mrs.Sarti thinks about Galileo's theory. Mrs.Sarti doesn't believe in what he believes in. Mrs.Sarti is kind of brainwashed by the church. She believes in whatever the church says. I also agree with what you wrote about what social class for Mrs.Sarti. She works for Galileo so it shows that Galileo is higher than her and Galileo is part of the class that consists of Scientists.

    Tony Chu

  52. Carmelinda Coppola
    Response on Henry Chu's post
    I agree with Henry Chu because Ludovico is the upper class of the social hierarchy. In addition, he is rich and he goes take private lessons, but many people will ask themselves why a rich man will want to receive Galileo's teachings if many people deny them? The answer to this question is that he gets private lessons so the audience can understand that Ludovico enjoys being updated with the world around him. For instance, "I don't understand science, sir"(51), this expresses that Ludovico wants to understand the true meaning of science so he can talk about it with other higher class citizens that are referencing science. Basically, Ludovico doesn't want to be in a state of bewilderment, so he tries to understand the true definition of science, so he can contribute and support himself towards others that are conversing about the pros and cons of science.

  53. Carmelinda Coppola
    Response on Tony Chu's post:
    I agree with Tony Chu's post on Mrs. Sarti because Mrs. Sarti is a lower status but you have to reference if she is below or on top of Galileo's class. This is because Galileo is on the bottom of the social class which can make people believe that Mrs. Sarti is also in lower class with Galileo. To add on to what you're saying, you should say that Mrs. Sarti is below Galileo since Galileo pays Mrs. Sarti as a housekeeper which interprets that Mrs. Sarti is below Galileo on the social class.

  54. Character: Ludovico

    1-2) "Galileo: You mean, if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent? Ludovico: In a sort of way" (93). This quote shows that Ludovico's mind is set on other people's opinions. It also shows that Ludovico never wanted to marry Virginia because if he really did love her he would have but everything aside, especially everyone else's opinion and his power.
    3) "Ludovico: My future wife must take her place in the family pew" (93).
    4) This quote shows the Ludovico is in a hig social class. This is because his family don't agree with Galileo's studies, which means they are with the Church. Ludovico's family also has their own pew, which shows how powerful they are.
    -Rima Issa

  55. Andrea

    1."Andrea: So force cannot accomplish everything. What has been seen can't be unseen. Man is constant in the face of death"(113). This shows that Andrea's thoughts are based on others and how they cannot influence another person's idea no matter how hard they try. Galileo is being forced by the church into recanting and Andrea believes that no matter how hard the church tries, they cannot force him into saying something is false when in fact, he seen it with is own two eyes.
    3."Mrs. Sarti:Well, I hope we can pay the milkman in this new era. A young gentleman is here to take private lessons and he is well-dressed don't you frighten him away like you did to the others. Wasting your time with Andrea! (To Andrea:) How many times have I told you not to wheedle free lessons out o Mr. Galilei?"(50). This quote shows that Andrea is somewhere in the middle class. He is not in the lower class since he can afford to be well-dressed and take private lessons. He connot be in the upper class because him and his mom can barely afford milk soon and he tries to get free classes instead of paying for private ones.

    -Victor Acevedo

  56. Virginia

    Virginia- "Ludovico likes to entertain. We must take care to be neat. His mother notices every stich. S he doesn't approve of father's books"(87).
    This shows that Virginia is really smart. if something goes wrong Ludovico's mom might not let Ludovico marry Virginia. Virginia wants everything to go well.

    " Galileo, his daughter Virginia, noe twenty one, and Ludovico Marsili, who has become her fiance"(75).
    This quote shows that Virginia is probably towards the miidle of the social hierarchy class. Thus quote shows that because Virginia is towards the middle because her dad is Galileo. Also because Ludovico will probably not marry someone from the lower class.

    Kamal Barakat

  57. Victor Acevedo

    I disagree with Victor because Andrea is somewhere in the lower class. On page 47 it says "A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs. Sarti". This shows that Andrea and his mom dont have that much money to support themselves.

    Kamal Barakat

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Virginia

    1. "He abides by the rules. My father's repentance is sincere. I keep an eye on him." (117)
    2. This shows that Virginia is thoughtful and supportive. She cares for her father deeply and stands by her father 100%, which ties back to her main purpose in this play. Virginia truly believes that Galileo is a respectful, sincere man.
    3. "Galileo, his daughter Virginia, now twenty-one, and Ludovico Marsili, who has become her fiance, are just arriving." (75)
    4. Virginia falls just below Galileo in social hierarchy. Galileo is lower/middle class because even though he has come up with the telescope, he is still finding ways to make money. Ludovico is also in the category of lower/middle social class. Virginia is the daughter of only one parent, and doesn't really have an education, which puts her in a lower class.
    -Shenelle Reddick

  60. -Shenelle Reddick
    I agree with Kamal about Virginia being smart. Ludovico's Mother does not like Gaileo, or his books, which is why he has yet to marry Virginia. Virginia wants everything to go right in order to impress Ludovico's Mother, but in the end, he just calls off the wedding.

  61. Andrea
    1-“Ms. Sarti: What are you doing with my son, Mr. Galilei”Andrea: Now, mother you don’t understand.”(50)

    2- Andrea is diverse in his society; he agrees with Galileo’s instead of the church. In the first scene, Andrea claims that your vision is the truth, but Galileo proved him wrong. Science became an explanation to Andrea’s world and continues to follow Galileo.

    3-“Andrea: Sit down, please.
    The Professors laugh.”(67)

    4- Andrea falls in the lower social class in this hierarchy. The professors humiliated Andrea when he told them to sit down. They feel that this lower classmen, Andrea does not have the rights to speck to them, even though he asked them politely to sit down.

    Wan Yu Fung (Alice)

  62. Response to Luis

    I agree that Ms. Sarti belongs to the lower class and your support was very clear. In the other hand, I believe that you can expand on question two. You can provide background knowledge to prove how being a lower classmen would effect her action. “Why do Ms, Sarti rely on the church? (is she being controlled by it?). Also, you can write “what would happen if she goes against the church?”

    Wan Yu Fung (Alice)

  63. Blanca Melendez
    I agree with Blanca's statement about she isn't very smart. Galileo knows his daughter isn't the brightest and therefore he want to aquire a lot of money in order to get her married. I disagree with Blanca about Virginia being in a lower class than Galileo because she isn't a servant like Mrs. Sarti. Virgina I would say would be in the same class as scientists since she is Galileo's daughter.
    -Rima Issa

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Mrs.Sarti

    1."Virginia,I want to talk to you.You are very young, and you have no mother, and your father is putting those pieces of ice in water, and marriage is too serious a business to go blind. Now you should go to see a real astronomer from the university and have him cast your horoscope so you know where you stand.(Virginia giggles.) What's the matter?" (pg 87)

    This quote shows how Mrs.Sarti relate the importance of Virginia marriage to the horoscope. Mrs.Sarti believes in this kind of superstition. She makes it look important to know your horoscope and she told Virginia to go check hers. Mrs.Sarti is probably those type that believes in luck and god. She just rely on whatever is being told to her.

    2.Mrs.Sarti:"To Andrea How many times do I have to tell you not to wheedle free lesson out of Mr.Galileo." (Pg 50)

    This quote shows Mrs.Sarti social hierarchy. The fact that Mrs.Sarti said "free lessons" means she didn't pay him for any lesson fee for Andrea. Andrea always go to Mr.Galileo for free lessons. Mrs.Sarti couldn't pay for the lessons even if she wanted too. Having free lessons from Mr.Galileo and couldn't pay the lessons show Mrs.Sarti fall to the lower class of the social hierarchy.

    Liang Zhang

  66. Little Monk

    1)“They have been told that God relies upon them and that the pageant of the world has been written around them that they may be tested in the important or unimportant parts handed out to them. How could they take it, were I to tell them that they are on a lump of stone ceaselessly spinning in empty space, circling around a second-rate star?” (83). This shows that Little Monk is loyal to the church and does not want Galileo to share his theory even though Little Monk is also a scientist. Little Monk does not want Galileo to share his theory because Little Monk feels that if Galileo’s theory gets out than the people will lose faith in the church.

    2)“Mr. Galilei, I am a priest”(85). This shows that Little Monk is part of the church. Since Little Monk is part of the church he is part of the higher class. The church is on top of the social hierarchy and it is divided into a smaller hierarchy. The pope is at the very top, then the cardinals are in the middle and at the bottom are the priest. Little Monk is a priest meaning that he is in the lower part of the higher class.

    Kevin Sanchez

  67. Response to Irqa

    1st quote
    "Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. you'll soon have him saying that two times two is five." (50)

    This was a excellent quote you chose. There's probably no quote better than this to describe Mrs.Sarti. I couldn't bring myself to use it since everyone who did Mrs.Sarti use this same quote all over again

    Liang Zhang

  68. Response to Victor Fung

    I agree with Victor’s response to number four. I also believe that Virginia is in the middle class because if she were in the lower class than she would not be living alone.

    Kevin Sanchez

  69. Mrs.Sarti
    1)"What are you doing with my son,
    Mr.Galilei?...You understand, don't you? Last
    night he tried to tell me that the earth goes
    'round the sun. You'll soon have him saying that
    two times two is five"(50).
    2) This quote shows that Mrs.Sarti thinks that
    Galileo's teachings are wrong. When she says
    her son will eventually say that two times two
    is five, which is wrong, meaning she is saying
    Galileo is wrong.
    3)"A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his
    housekeeper, Mrs.Sarti"(47).
    4)This shows Mrs. Sarti is at the bottom of the social hierarchy pyramid. She is a housekeeper and is uneducated. Those who are uneducated and are peasants are at the bottom of the social class pyramid.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Liang Zhang
    I agree with Liang Zhang that Mrs.Sarti is a women of luck and god. Her purpose in the play is to be a commoner. Commoners in this play are those who listen to the church and allow themselves to be brainwashed by the church.

  73. little monk

    "no, i found out that i think the decree a wise decree . it has shocked me into realizing that free research has its dangers. i have had to decide to give up astronomy . however, i felt the impulse to confide in you some motives wich have impelled even a passionate physicit to abonden his work.(82)"

    In this quote it shows that little monk does not hink as someone from the church but a person. he has discovered that Galileo was right all along and calls reasearch dangerous because the more you expierment the less you believe the church . little monk is still curious about the theories but still wants to tellGalileo why he will not continue and mayb have him stop or continue therfore he can help him and warn him from the church's plans.

    "I do not come from the greatest city. my parents are peasants from Campanga, who know about cultivation of the olive tree ,and not much about anything else.(83)"

    This quote explains little monk social class because even if he is from the church he is not ordainary . little monk comes from ordainary peasant people so he is not one of the highest in the church little monk is higher than galileo meaning he is either high middle class or lower higer class in the play.

    Marisol Duarte

  74. respones to Rima Issa
    i agree that ludovico did not really love virginia by the word he used in that quote and how he just walked aways as if notthing happend .His social class is very high if he cares about his people rather than his love .

  75. Ludovico

    1)"Mr.Galilei, if we Marsilis were to countenance teachings frowned on by the church, it would unsettle our peasants. Bear in mind: these poor people in their brute state get everything upside down. They are nothing but animals. They will never comprehend the finer points of astronomy"(94).

    2) Ludovico looks down upon these peasants. Brecht wants to give the reader an idea of what the church has done to this social hierarchy. And how it has twisted the minds of the higher class such as Ludovico to think like this. Ludovico believes the peasants are naturally nuts. He's afraid of what will happen when the truth prevails.

    3)"You came by way of Holland and your family lives in the Campagna? Private lessons, thirty scudi a month"(51).

    4)This is Ludovico's first appearance in this scene, he is taking private lessons from Galileo. This eliminates the possibility for Ludovico to be at the bottom of the class structure since his family is able to pay for his private lessons monthly. Ludovico and his family also came from Holland. Back in the 17th century Holland was popular and was in their golden age. Science was popular there and his family wanted Galileo to teach Ludovico science so he can "fit in".

    ~Jason San~

  76. Virginia

    "What is in your book? Will they say it's heretical.(104)"

    This quote shows that Virginia watches over her father,Galileo. She makes sure Galileo is doing the right thing to reach his goal. Virginia is very helpful to her father.

    "Galileo, his daughter Virginia, now twenty-one and Ludovico Marsili, who has become her fiance, are just arriving.(75)"

    Virginia is the same class as Galileo because she is his daughter. Galileo is pretty low in class, but he is near the middle. Since Virginia is supposed to marry Ludovico she will raise in class because Ludovico is wealthy.

  77. Virginia

    "What is in your book? Will they say it's heretical.(104)"

    This quote shows that Virginia watches over her father,Galileo. She makes sure Galileo is doing the right thing to reach his goal. Virginia is very helpful to her father.

    "Galileo, his daughter Virginia, now twenty-one and Ludovico Marsili, who has become her fiance, are just arriving.(75)"

    Virginia is the same class as Galileo because she is his daughter. Galileo is pretty low in class, but he is near the middle. Since Virginia is supposed to marry Ludovico she will raise in class because Ludovico is wealthy.

    Justin Beskin

  78. ~Abdulhadi Sulaimani~
    You have a good point, however what if Mrs.Sarti DOES actually believe in Galileo. What if she's just worried for her and her own son's safety? Do you believe that peasants like Mrs.Sarti know the truth too but are afraid?

  79. I agree with Jason San, Ludovico does look down upon the lower classes. He also thinks that without the church the lower classes will do whatever they want. I also agree about Ludovico's class. He is not at the bottom and he is more near the top because he has servants and can afford private lessons.

    Justin Beskin

  80. -Justin Beskin

    I agree with Justin Beskin that whatever class your mother or father is part of, you are part of too. Your class can change overtime depending on your achievements and/or marriages throughtout your lifetime. These circumstances can affect your class since they can change the way you are viewed by the society. One question I have is that Can marrying someone in the lower class lower your own class?

    -Victor Acevedo

  81. Response to Cassidy Charles,

    I uderstand where you are comming from when you said that Little monk cannot belong to one specific class. But, I think Little Monk is simply middle class in the social hierarchry. Little Monk is deffinately not as high as the pope, who is in the highest class. Little Monk's parents are peasants so he is not as high as Ludovico, who is in the upper class. But, Little Monk is a priest so he is not at the bottom of social hierarchy, so that leaves him in middle class.

  82. Virginia:

    1) " Mrs, Sarti: Virginia, I want to talk to you. You are very young, and you have no mother, and your father is putting those pieces of ice in water, and marriage is too serious a business to go into blind. Now you should go to see a real astronomer from the university and have him cast your horoscope so you know here you stand. (Virgina giggles.) What's the matter?... Virginia: I've been already... I have to be careful for three months now became the sun is in Capricorn but after that I get a favorable ascendant, and I can undertake a journey if I am careful of Uranus, as I'm a Scorpion... He's a Leo, the astronomer said. Leos are sensual. (Giggles.)" (87-88)
    2) This quote shows that Virginia thinks very childishly, and she is very gullible. She practically believes almost everything that she is told and she has not even the slightest clue that some of the words that she hears could be fiction and not a fact. In this quote, in Virginia's standpoint as a woman, she sees marriage as her one and only goal in life and that after marriage, her role in life is close to done. This kind of thinking for Virginia isn't out of the ordinary for women at that era and it shows that she is pretty clueless on the conflicts between his father's science and the Church people.
    3) " You mean, if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent?" (93)
    4) This quote is referring to Galileo as the bad man and Virginia as the daughter of the bad man. When he had said that he was a bad man, it was because of the fact that Galileo is a scientist. This shows that Virginia is in the same social class as Galileo because of their family relationships. This also shows that Virginia and his father belong to the middle area of the social hierarchy. They have more power than the peasants but they are still under the king/prince and the Church, and the rich families because of their wealth status.

  83. ~ Justin Beskin

    I would agree with Justin on the part where you supported the idea of where Virgina stands in the social class. But for the part where you explained what Virginia thinks, I would have to say that you didn't really explain how/what Virginia thinks about the situation. What does this show about Virginia's way of thinking of his father's work? Can you say that from this quote that Virginia doesn't question her father much, and she doesn't think that there is anything wrong with her father's work?

  84. Little Monk

    “We must be silent from the highest of motives: the inward peace of less fortunate souls.”(84)
    Little Monk is smart. He understand Galilei's findings and know that Galilei is right. Even though he knows the truth he feels that it should not be exposed to society it would kill them. He knows that peasants work hard and live these crappy lives because they believe in the church and believe that they will one day be rewarded by God. Little Monk believes that if the society finds out that the church is wrong they will feel their lives are pointless and filled with lies.

    "My parents are peasants in the campagna."(83)
    Little Monk is a priest, but he is not high in the social triangle because his parents are peasants. Since he is a priest he is not all the way at the bottom of social hierarchy. But, since his parents are peasants, but he is a priest, that makes him middle class in social hierarchy.

  85. Andrea

    1- "Science. The study of the properties of motion, mother of the machines which will themselves change the ugly face of the earth"(122).
    2- This shows how Andrea thinks of the earth as something just waiting to be fixed.It also shows that he thinks science is a way of fixing it, with the experimental actions towards earths real actions he believes it can help better understand it and change the way it is. Proving that andrea has an interest for science.
    3- " A barefooted boy, ANDREA, son of his housekeeper, MRS.SARTI, enters with a big astronomical model"(47).
    4- This shows that Andrea falls on the low class on the Social Hierarchy because of his attire and relationship with others. He has no shoes first of all which implies he cant afford it as well as, his mother is Galileo's housekeeper which at that time were peasants who were located in the low class, and worked for others to get at least somewhat of money.

    ~ Elizabeth Bonilla

  86. ~ Marisol Duarte

    I agree with her statement of Little Mink being of the lower class on the Hierarchy but, there was only one Hierarchy, this meaning that he couldn't be in the low class for the church or high class for people of society, I think he is of the low class who was one of the people who went with church. He went with Galileo's theory probably thinking, it was time for some change, thinking that Galileo's theory might be too much of a change he had expected.

    ~ Elizabeth Bonilla

  87. Andrea

    1) "No, I can't say she isn't a witch. I haven't looked into it. A man can't know abot a thing he hasn't looked into, or can he?" (127)

    2)This quote shows that my character Andrea believes that someone can't know about a certain subject without observing or having evidence to prove what they are saying. Andrea believes that he should have a look at what the kids are claming to be true and then claim is opinion to the matter being presented.

    3)Andrea: On the right Galileo: And did it move? Andrea: I did Galileo: Wrong. Stupid! The chair moved. (49)

    4)This quote shows that my character falls in the social hierarchy because he is a student of Galileo. So he is below Galileo because Galileo disrespects him by calling him "stupid" and if Andrea was of a higher class Galileo would adress him differently.

    -Christopher Benicio

  88. - Elizabeth Bonilla

    I agree with Elizabeth because I also believe that Andrea falls in a low class of the social hierarchy. He is at the bottom of the social class becuase his mother is a housekeeper and Andrea is a helper of Galileo, which shows that he is like Galileo's shadow. He is like Galileo's shadow because he is always present to important events in which Galileo is in.

    -Christopher Benicio

  89. Mrs. Sarti

    1. "Mrs. Sarti: You understand, don't you? Last night he tried to tell me that the earth goes round the sun. You'll have him saying that two times two is five." (50)

    2. This quote shows that my character thinks science is silly and a waste of time. Because she is in the lower class, she dons on and relies on 'God' if there is one to help her when she is in trouble. Even though she does support Galileo, she doesn't want to lose faith either.

    3. "...his housekeeper, Mrs. Sarti..has come in with a glass of milk and a roll, has been watching." (50-51)

    4. This quote shows that rs. Sarti is of the lower class because she works for Galileo, a philosopher and scientist, as a maid. She hurries about the house and search of anything he may need.

    *Joy Mai

  90. Response to Chris Benecio

    I disagree with he fact that Galileo thinks of Andrea as stupid because if Galileo truly considered that thought, he would not spend so much time with him or even bother to waste his time teaching Andrea about science.

  91. Mrs. Sarti

    1)"Man will weight a chip of ice fifty times, but it comes to something that's convenient, he believes it blindly"(94)
    2) This quote shows how Mrs. Sarti is very stubborn on her beliefs. She's not the type of person who will believe everything she's told without being provided with proof.
    3)"A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his house keeper, Mrs. Sarti" (47)
    4) This quote shows that Mrs. Sarti is at the very bottom of the social hierarchy. Her son has no shoes, meaning they're very poor people. Mrs.Sarti is also a housekeeper which would mean she's pretty much a servant/peasent as well.

    -- Carol Liao

  92. --Joy Mai

    I agree with Joy about how Mrs. Sarti wants to believe in God to give meaning to her life. But I don't believe that Mrs.Sarti supports Galileo in any way at all. She doesn't believe Galileo because she doesn't believe he has enough evidence, nor was he able to stand up for his findings/discoveries when the church got involved.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Virginia

    1. “Virginia: He abides by the rules. My father’s repentance is sincere. I keep an eye on him. (She hands him the goose.) Tell the cook to fry the liver with an apple and an onion. (She goes back into the large room.) And you have to have no business to be doing that with those of yours father"(117).

    2. This shows that Virginia looks up to her father just as her father looks for guidance through her. Virginia wants to be by her father’s side for the better or for the worst. She believes in Galileo’s honest thoughts, that he has recognized the wrong in something he has done and Galileo is sorry about it. Virginia keeps a look out for Galileo and his doings.

    3. “The Great Arsenal of Venice, overlooking the harbor full of ships. Senators and officials on one side, Galileo, his daughter Virginia, and his friend Sagredo, on the other side. They are dressed in formal, festive clothes. Virginia is fourteen and charming. She carries velvet cushion on which lies a brand new telescope. Behind Galileo are some artisans from the Arsenal. There are onlookers, Ludovico among them” (55).

    4. This shows Virginia social status on how what Brecht is describing her. As in her clothing and where she stands in that event. Virginia and Galileo have a connection among each other which would be the fact that Virginia and Galileo are in the same social class. Virginia is in the middle class because she is wearing formal clothing not fancy, high class clothing. She is nor lower class because she stands hand on hand with Galileo heliocentric theory.

    Aileen Gonzalez pd 1

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Virginia
    "VIRGINIA: You had better ask Monsignor Carpula to send the doctor. Father couldn't see this goose across the room. Don't look at me like that He has not been writing. He dictates everything to me...He abides by the rules. My father's repentance is sincere. I keep an eye on him" (117).
    This quote shows that Virginia is very defensive in her thinking. She is protective of her father and keeps a watchful eye over him. This shows that she has been hurt in some way before, such as in when Ludovico broke up with her (95). She keeps this in the back of her mind in order to keep her or her father from being hurt.
    "They are dressed in formal, festive clothes. VIRGINIA is fourteen and charming. She carries a velvet cushion on which lies a brand-new telescope" (55).
    Virginia falls into the lower class in the social hierarchy. Her father is a scientist. During the 1600s in Italy, scientists were looked down upon for their revolutionary ideas. Since she is the daughter of a scientist, she too is looked down upon. In this scene, she is presenting a scientific tool which explains why she is dressed well and proud.
    Salma Nakhlawi

  97. Aileen Gonzalez
    Peer Response
    Carol supports her ideas with excellent evidence. Another piece of useful evidence stating Mrs. Sarti social class would describe her actions towards other social classes. “Mrs. Sarti: Well, I hope we can pay the milkman in this new era. A young gentleman is here to take private lessons and he is well -dressed and don’t you frighten him away like you did the others. Wasting your time with Andrea! (To Andrea :) how many times have you I told you not to wheedle free lessons out of Mr. Galilei? (She does)” (50). This would show that Mrs. Sarti is part of the lower class because she gets surprised when a fine well dressed gentle men is at her door.

  98. Salma Nakhlawi

    Comment response to Carol Liao
    If Mrs. Sarti believes everything she is told as long as she is provided with proof, then why does she not believe Galileo's theory? Galileo has proof. Galileo has his telescope to show her that the earth revolves around the sun. I agree with Mrs. Sarti being lower class as she is a servant for Galileo.

  99. I agree with Aileen because the quote she chose does prove that Virginia is in the middle class along with her father Galileo. The quote uses her clothing and relationship to show where she stands in social hierarchy which is middle class.

    Nina Pena period 1

  100. Response to Joy

    I didnt say that Galileo thought Andrea was overall stupid. I just tried to show how Andrea is below Galileo in the social heirarchy, which is why Galileo called him a name.

    -Chris benicio

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Ludovico

    1)"Marriages in families such as mine are not arranged on a basis of sexual attraction alone" (93).
    "My future wife must take her place in the family pew" (93).

    2)These quotes show Ludovico cares about his families reputation more then his relationhip with his wife. It shows his main concern is making sure his family has a good reputation with the church.

    3)Ludovico (politely): Mr. galilei, if we Marsilis were to countenance teachings forwards on by the church, it would unsettle our peasants. Bear in mind: these poor people in their brutle state get everything upside. They are nothing but animals. They will never comprehend the finer points of astronomy. Why, two months ago a rumor went around, an apple had beenfound on a pear tree, and they left their work in the fields to discuss it" (94-93).

    4) You can tell that Ludovico is high in social hierarchy by the way he talks down of peasants and workers in the quote above. The fact that he has peasant or servants shows he is of high class.

    Nina Pena Period 1

  103. -Anastasio Farag

    I agree with Anastasio about how he mentioned that Mrs.Sarti does not support Galileo. However, the fact that Mrs.Sarti follows Galileo is proof that she is one of Galileo's supporters, even though Mrs.Sarti disagrees with many of Galileo's theories. Still, she has no choice but to support Galileo since her son Andrea takes in everything that Galileo says.

  104. Andrea

    1) "No, I can't say she isn't a witch. I haven't looked into it. A man can't know about a thing he hasn't looked into, or can he?" (127)

    2)This quote proves that being around Galileo has rubbed off on Andrea. Andrea is saying you can't state a statement with out having proof to back you up.

    3)"A barefooted boy, ANDREA son of his housekeeper, MRS. SARTI, enters with a big astronomical model." (47)

    4) This quote proves Andrea is in a low class in social hierarchy in this play. Andrea is in a low class because his mother Mrs. Sarti is a servant and when your parents are in a social class you're born into that social class. When you work for someone else, you are not wealthy and you are in a low rank.

    Tiana Nunez

  105. Andrea

    "I can see with my own two eyes that the sun comes up once place in the morning and goes down in a different place in the evening." (49)

    This shows that Adrea's thinking is similar to Galileo's thinking and his theory. Andrea, supports what Galileo thinks and what he says.

    "Each learned doctor proves, (If you grease his palm): The earth stands still And yet- and yet it moves." (93)

    This quote shows where Andrea falls in the social hierarchy because of what he's singing about. It shows what Andrea believes, and his belief again is similar to Galileo's belief. Therefore, they fall under the same status in the social hierarchy.

    Burcu Kandaz

  106. Ludovico

    1)"My mother is set on the idea that science is necessary nowadays for conversation." (52)

    2)Thia quote shows that Ludovico is a coward. Ludovico obey his mom and have guts for his own ideas. Ludovico believe all is mother say and went to learn science from Galileo when Ludovico know nothing about science or have interests in science. Ludovico is shoes as a coward who dare not desires high goals and act like a puppet for self power.

    3)"You mean, if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent? (93)

    4)This quote shows that Ludovico is around the upper class. Above the middle class but lower than the church. This indicated that Ludovico collects rent from the peasants so Ludovico is rich and the word pew reveals that Ludovico family don't go against the church. By don't go against the church and have money shows Ludovico power is high also at the upper class.

    Tony Chan

  107. I agree with Nina because Ludovico decides to not marry Galileo's daughter, Virginia and when he says that his wife must take her place in the family pew, it means she has to be apart of them going by the church and he wants to keep his reputation good.

    Tiana Nunez

  108. Response to Tiana Nunez

    I completely agree with your post, we have the same character. Galileo's teaching rub off on Andrea and Andrea in the book, begins to slowly follow what Galileo says. He supports his theory, thoughts and even helps Galileo along the way.

    You used good quotes.

    -Burcu Kandaz

  109. Response to Burcu Kandaz

    I Agree with Burcu Kandaz post about Andrea.When Andrea was young he was with Galileo which influences him unlike other lower class that was influences by the church. Andrea supports Galileo ideas but like other lower class, don't have the guts. Even through Andrea at the lowest class of the social hierarchy but beliefs is to the truth which is evidences.

    Tony Chan

  110. Little Monk

    1)"It has shocked me into realizing that free research has its dangers." (82)

    2)This quote shows Little Monk's thinking because he is very cautious about what science would cause an uproar in the church. Little Monk has normal common sense since like everyone else, he is afraid to go against the church. However, Little Monk sees a flaw in the Bible, so he is siding with Galileo.

    3)"Mr. Galilei, I am a priest" (85).

    4)This quote shows that Little Monk is part of the lower class in the church social hierarchy (highest among commoners, but lowest among church officials). This quote simply states what social class Little Monk belongs to, which is a priest. Priests and monks are lowest among church officals, such as cardinals and the Pope.

    Yao Jin Zhu

  111. Ludovico

    1. "I see you have made your decision. It was inevitable. You will always be a slave of your passions..." (95).

    2. This quote shows that Ludovico thought that Galileo deeply cared for his profession and didnt care about who was in the way of his progression within his profession. Ludovico thinks that Galileo does not care about who he hurts as long as hs can go on with his profeesion. In other words Galileo in Ludovico's eyes cares more about his profession than the people around him.

    3."GALILEO: If the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent?" (93).

    4. This quote shows that Ludovico is somewhat in a upper class part of the social higharchy. The reason for that is because Galileo said that Ludovico's peasants may stop paying the rent, as in that he has a lot of money, and does not need to worry about finances and poverty as much as the average person or a peasant.

    Salvatore Polizzi, period#1

  112. Response to Tony Chan

    I agree with Tony Chan’s answers to both of the guiding questions. Ludovico is being controlled by his mother because his mother tells him to learn from Galileo and then tells him to not marry Virigina. It seems like he doesn’t think for himself and he lets others think for him. You are also right that he would be on the upper middle class because he is lower than the church but higher than Galileo.

    Anthony Grullon

  113. Response to Salvatore Polizzi

    Your first quote was very nice and well picked because it does show how Galileo was very persistent and how he only focused on his theory regardless of the conflicts/situations that stand in his way but how ever I disagree that quote explains how Ludovico thinks. I think a better quote would be the second quote you address because in that quote it shows how Ludovico knows that Galileo is right but chooses wealth over the truth.

    For your second quote, I also agree that iy shows Ludovico's social class but a better quote would be on page (51)"Galileo: You came by way of Holland and your family lives in the Campagna? Private lessons, thirty scudi a month." This quote shows how fancy he is and his lavish lifestyle which shows how wealth and pretty high up there in the social hierarchy.

  114. I agree with Tony Chu because the quotes that he used shows that Ludovico is still under his mother's rules. He doesnt know about the real world and is why he has to learn about science to communicate. Also he is in an upper class than Galileo because he can afford to pay for the lessons and like Tony said, he collects money from the peasants.

  115. Andrea

    “A man can’t know about a thing he hasn’t looked into, or can he? (127).”
    This quote shows how Andrea thinks because he backs up how Galileo's theory is right yet no one believes it. It shows how Andrea has learned over the years by Galileo and how his thinking has changed from the beginning of the play towards the end.

    "A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs.Sarti, enters with a big astronomical model."

    This quote shows Andrea's social class because his mother is a housekeeper and he is barefooted. In our minds when the audience reads this they picture a poor boy or a homeless boy because of the description of Andrea in this quote. And so, he falls in the very bottom of the social class based on this quote.

    Ayerin Gomez

  116. Little Monk

    1) '' God made the physical world, God made the human brain. God will allow physics.'' (96)

    2) This quote shows that Little Monk is naive and doesn't know much about his surroundings. He thinks that the church around him is understanding when it is controlling and powerful. He is convinced that his church members will accept his idea of science when they won't because science drains them of their power.

    3) "Mr. Galilei, I am a priest" (85) This shows that Little Monk is part of the upper class and has a lot of power over society. That is why Little Monk is naive. His family is the church, and to him his family is understanding and considerate but he doesn't realize that they only care about maintaing their power. Everything the church says or does impacts all the people in society. The Catholic Church would never approve of science because the more people start to question, the more power they loose.

    Winnie Mok

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Little Monk

    1) “The Holy Scriptures would then be proved full of mistakes. No, I see them begin to looked frightened. I see them slowly put their spoon down on the table. They would feel cheated. “There is no eye watching over us at all,” they would say” (84)

    2) This quote shows that Little Monk believes that if Galileo’s theory’s would be proven or revealed all of the poor lower class citizens would feel cheated. They would feel betrayed by the church and feel as if their life was worthless. Little Monk believes that by keeping the poor ignorant to the truth their lives would be happier instead of meaningless and worthless as they would be if Galileo’s theory was revealed. Little Monks ideas can be related to the phrase ‘ignorance is bliss.’

    3) “Little Monk: I have studied physic, Mr. Galilei.” (82)

    4) Little Monk is a member of the Church which is at the top of the social hierarchy. However Little Monk is also a man who practices physics which in some cases is frowned upon by the Church. Little Monk finds himself nearing the lowest region of social hierarchy. Considering he is part of the Church however the lowest part of the Church he is not at the lowest social class but only a step or two above it.

    Logan Mancuso

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Little Monk
    1) "Mr. Galilei, i have spent four sleepless nights trying to reconcile the decree that i have read with the moons of Jupiter that i have seen. This morning i decided to come see you after i had said mass."(82)
    2) This quote shows that my character is a supportive person because he spent nights researching instead of sleeping just to help Galileo even though he follows the church. He worked his hardest to support someone even though this someone may be against his leader. This tells us that not only he supports his allies but enemies that try to stand up for the truth.
    3) "let's hear it. That robe you're wearing gives you the right to say whatever you want to say. Let's hear it."(82)
    4) This shows that my character falls right next to the church because he must be in a high social class if he is able to say anything he wants without caution of the church. Even Galileo doesn't have the capability to say whatever he wants. Also, since Little Monk is a monk, it shows that he stands right next to the church instead of under the nobility in the social hierarchy.

    Chaplin Wei

  121. Response to Winnie

    I disagree with Winnie on her description of Little Monk being ‘naive.’ Little Monk is on of the few characters in this play that Brecht actually allows to have an understanding about he world. Little Monk understands that the Church is spreading lies to its lower class citizens. However he also accepts that exposing what the Church is doing may create major issues within society. I also disagree that Little Monk is within the upper class as he is probably the lowest member of the church. He studies Physics and works with Galileo. Both being frowned upon by the Church. For these reasons I believe Little Monk is one of the lower members of society.

  122. I agree with Yao Jin because the little monk has to be cautious since he is going against the church by supporting Galileo. I think he also feels cautious about Galileo because he does give him an advice that he shouldn't spread his ideas since it will affect everyone negatively even though people might know the truth. He is also worried about the followers of the church to give an advice like that to Galileo.

  123. Ludovico-

    1- Galileo: "You mean if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew, your peasants might stop paying the rent?" Ludovico:"In a sort of way" (93)

    2- This shows that Ludovico is selfish and is more worried about his power than Virginia. He knew that what Galileo was saying was true, but didn't want to go on his side because his power would be gone. If he married the daughter of the man who's going against the church then his peasants would no longer obey him. His family would also have a bad reputation and he doesn't want that.

    3- "You came by way of Holland and your family lives in the Campagna? Private lessons, thirty scudi a month" (51)

    4- Ludovico is in upper middle class. His family was paying Galileo for his private lessons so he could learn science. Science was a main topic that upper middle class people would talk about in conversations. This also shows that Ludovico has enough money to get an education and learn about science.

    -Maria Gonzalez

  124. Virginia

    1."The bell of Saint Marcus.He is not damned"(114).Virgins thinks that her father is more important than his theories.She was the only one close to Galileo that wanted him to recant.Everyone else wanted him to not to recant but she felt that he should.She wanted her father to be with her instead of his teachings.

    2."Ludovico:My future wife must take her place in the family pew.
    Galileo:You mean,if the daughter of a bad man sat in your family pew,your peasants will stop paying the rent?
    Ludovico:In a sort of way."(93)
    Virginia is in the same social class as her father.They are both in the middle class.She is judged by what her father does.Ludovico doesn't want Galileo to continue his teachings since it will look bad on Virginia.If it looks bad on Virginia and Ludovico marries her it would look bad on his family since they are in the upper class.

    Ruben Huertero Period 3

  125. I agree with Maria Gonzalez because Ludovico just wants too look good in front of everyone else.Even if he likes Virginia he doesn't want to marry her because of what others will think which means he is influenced by the rest and is a follower.Since he is rich and in the upper class he must look good and maintain his reputation.

  126. Virginia

    1. " Andrea(speaking about Virginia): She is praying that he will recant. "(112)

    2. This quote shows that Virginia has a weak and unsure about her faith. Virginia is Galileo's daughter, she is suppose to become an atheist like Galileo did. When Galileo was force to give up his teaching, Virginia was praying that Galileo will recant his work. Virginia didn't know what to believe or not to believe.

    3. " two secretaries are at the rear of the stage at a desk. GALILEO, his daughter VIRGINIA, now twenty-one, and LUDOVICO MARSILI, who has become her fiance, are just arriving." (75)

    4. This quote show that Virginia is in the upper class. Ludovico is using marriage as a tool to move up his place in the social hierarchy. Ludovico won't marry someone that is in the bottom or middle social classes.

    Joe Chau

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Virginia

    1."The hairdresser in the Via Vittorio kept four other ladies waiting and took me first" (76).
    2.This quote shows that Virginia is more important so the hairdresser had kept the other ladies waiting and helped Virginia first with her hair. She thinks that it is because Galileo is famous.
    3."Here's Ludovico to congradulate you father. Congradulations,sir. I improved it" (58).
    4.This quote shows where Virginia falls in the social hierarchy. This quote shows that Virginia is the daughter of Galileo. Since Galileo is a pyhilosopher, he belongs in the middle class so his daughter, Virginia, belongs in the same class as him. Virginia belongs in the lower middle class since she is a women and women don't have much rights.

    Ka Yan Ou

  129. Virginia
    1. “He abides by the rules. My father’s repentance is sincere. I keep an eye on him”(117).

    2. This quote shows how Virginia is on her father’s side. She thinks that Galileo is not the type that would lie, making him the honest type. Virginia believes in her father, thinking that he is not doing anything wrong.

    3. “The hairdresser in the Via Bittorio kept four other ladies waiting and took me first” (76).

    4. This quote shows how Virginia was as well respected as her father, Galileo. This also shows that she was probably in the middle class like Galileo in the social hierarchy. Since her father had helped out the society with his inventions and findings, the people treated him nicely and they thought of him as a great person. Wanting to not disrespect him, they would have to treat his daughter the same, giving her attention. She wouldn’t have been put into a lower class since they actually cared about her unlike those below her in the social hierarchy.

    Claudia Wang

  130. Joe Chau

    I agree with Ruben, after Galileo is in probation, Galileo and Virginia fall from upper class to the middle class. Ludovico doesn't want to marry Virginia because they are not in the same social class anymore.

  131. I agree with Ruben about Virginia. She does care a lot about her father. She might not have agreed with him going against the church but she still supported him. Even though her father was somewhat the reason why Ludovico left her, she wasn't mad at her father and still wanted him to recant.

  132. I disagree with Joe Chau that Virginia is in the upper class. Ludovico is somewhere in between the upper and middle class. If he married Virginia, her class would be higher, but their marriage didn't work out since Galileo won't take back her theories. So, Virginia's class is like her father's in the middle class.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Respone to Maria
    I agree with both your response to each quote. Ludovico was thinking about his family reputation first than his love towards Virginia. This shows that his love towards Virginia might have even been a lie and that he just wanted to marry her for more fame. This makes him
    -Claudia Wang-

  135. Little Monk

    1. “Mr. Galilei, I have spent four sleepless nights trying to reconcile the decree that I have read with the moons of Jupiter that I have seen. This morning I decided to come to see you after I had said mass.” (82)
    2. This quote shows that Little Monk is trying to understand Galileo’s findings. Even though he works for the church, he is controversial and is torn between his faith, and his science.
    3. “Mr. Galilei, I am a priest.” (85)
    4. This quote shows that Little Monk is a priest, so he must belong to the upper class where the rest of the church is. However he does say he is also a scientist, so he should belong to the middle class where the scientists and philosophers are.

    Hannabelle Mendez

  136. Response to Claudia
    I disagree with what you said about Virginia being in the middle class. Yes, she respects others, but she isn't a philosopher or a scientist. She is just the daughter of Galileo. I think Galileo is in a higher class than she is.

    Hannabelle Mendez

  137. I agree with Joe that Virginia is unsure about what will happen to her father, Galileo. She was praying that he would recant.

  138. Andrea

    1. "The moon is an earth because the light of the moon is not her own. Jupiter is a fixed star, and four moons turn around Jupiter, therefore we are not shut in by crystal shells. The sun is the pivot of our world, therefore the earth is not the center. The earth moves, spinning about the sun. And he showed us. You can't make a man unsee what he has seen." (112)

    2. This quote shows that Andrea is a person of friendship and very thoughtful. By talking to the Informer and Federzoni, he tells them that Galileo wouldn't recant and will stand by his findings. Showing that he supports Galileo and is very thoughtful of the situation he is in.

    3. "I am a scholar." (126)

    4. This quote shows that Andrea falls somewhere higher in the social hierarchy. From being a servant's child learning "nonsense" from a scholar, to actually being a scholar. He boosted up his status in the social hierarchy.

  139. Hannabelle Mendez

    I honestly have to say that the quote you wrote for Little Monk as a thought is 100% correct, and your explanation as well. Little Monk is between the a big situation. He doesn't know what he wants to follow, his faith or science.

    Jocy Saavedra

  140. Andrea
    "Then why did you recant, tell me that!"(122). Andrea is confused on what Galileo is thinking. He wants to know why Galileo is refusing to admit he is wrong about the theory but says that the Church has won.

    "A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs. Starti, enters with a big astronomical model."(47). Andrea is in low class because he can not afford shoes and he is the son of Galileo's worker. This shows that he can not afford much and has to follow his mother to work.

    Vanessa Song

  141. Jocy Saavedra

    I disagree with Andrea falling somewhere higher in the social hierarchy. A scholar does not need to have money to be a scholar, but I must agree it might boost his status.

    Vanessa Song

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Ludivico

    1)"Ludivico: Mr.Galilei, you have a wonderful brain, it's a pity"(95)-Brecht

    2)This quote shows how fed up Ludivico is with talking Galileo into making sense. He is tired of giving advice, he has good intentions to spread, so everything can be at ease, but wont abandon his moral values to better Galileo. He gives that suttle threat, and walks out on galileo, as he thought he should of a long time ago.

    3)"Ludivico(to his servant):Giuseppe, take my baggage back to the coach, will you"(94)-brecht

    4) If ludivico has a servant he must have money in order to pay him. This serrvant accpanies him, and goes whereever he goes, and his parents allow this, they must be high class people. Also this line wasn't really necsasary to be said in the scene. He could of exited in a more hush manner, but Brecht wanted it to be more dramatic, and apply the fact he told his servant to do something.


    Vanessa Song

    You're explaination on you're first quote, confuses me a bit, i got a diffrent understandment of that line. To me is shows aggrivation and frsutration from Andrea to Galileo.

    Emily Mateo

  144. Character: ANDREA

    1. " You can't make a man unsee what he has seen" (112).
    " A man can't know about a thing he hasn't looked into or can he?" (127).

    2. These quotes show the influence that has grown on Andrea from being around Galileo. Galileo not only told but showed Andrea that the Earth moves about the Sun therefore proving the heliocentric theory and that is why Andrea believes in him. The first quote correlates with the second quote because when Andrea encounters a boy whom is only going by the word of someone else that Marina is a witch, he tells the boy he must see it first to believe it instead of just repeating what he'd heard. Andrea took away what he had learned from Galileo and has now applied it to his own life and encounters.

    3. " A barefooted boy, Andrea, son of his housekeeper, Mrs. Sarti, enters with a big astronomical model" (47).

    4. This quote goes to show that Andrea is part of the lower class in the social hierarchy. His mother is a servant to Galileo which proves that Galileo is obviously a higher class than them but he himself is not at the top, therefore Andrea and his mother fall at the bottom. Back then there was no social mobility so you couldn't change social classes, you were just born into it and because his mother lies at the bottom so does he.

    In response to Vanessa, I agree with what you said about Andrea being confused with Galileo when he recanted but it was only at that certain point in the book. I think Galileo was someone to look up to for Andrea and he had been disappointed when he learned that he recanted because he knew it wasn't like him to do so and he knew that his revelations were true. That is why he was confused with Galileo, but in the end when he comes back to visit him, what was once unclear to him is now understood. He learns the reason why Galileo recanted was only because he was threatened by torture and the fear of pain but he was still the man Andrea grew up knowing.

    Kayla Paula
