Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Post #2

Look at the character Federzoni.
  1. If this character's job is to help Galileo with his experiments, what is his purpose in the play? What ("hidden") message does Brecht want Federzoni to communicate about class structure?
  2. What words or sentences tell you Federzoni's purpose beyond being a lab assistant?
  3. Why is Federzoni in the play?!!!!


  1. 1. I think Federzoni's purpose in the play is to give Galileo and the other characters a different perspective on things. I think Brecht is trying to say that Federzoni is against the higher class and that they don't want to lose their power, so they don't admit Galileo is right.

    2. "who ordered the earth stand still because their castles might be shaken loose if it revolves. (96)" This shows that Federzoni is not only a lab assistant. It shows that he is a supporter of Galileo's work.

    3. Federzoni's is in the play to show that more people agree with Galileo's theory.

  2. 1. To me Federzoni is not a main character, but he is in a few key parts. He gives an outsiders view to others within the book. Federzoni seems to side with Galileo most of the time, but their have been once where he disagreed with Galileo for the risk of his health. It is possible that Brecht is trying to use Federzoni to relay a message to his readers that if you have an open minded way of thinking, everything can be completely different.

    2. "FEDERZONI: Me? You leave me out. I said "hm", that was all. And don't you discuss new things before me. I can't read the material, it's in Latin. (He drops the scales and stands trembleing with fury.) Tell me, canmI doubt anything?" (89). That quote shows that Federzoni is more than a simple lab assistant, but a human being that can have his own thoughts, that makes his own decisions. He stays outside of all conflicts within the book, and he can go by his own thoughts, not biased, but based on what goes on during each and every situation.

    3. Federzoni's purpose in the play is to show that people can have their own opinions based on facts and observations, not based on biased thoughts.

  3. 1. Federzoni is a minor character and he is one of Galileo's assistant. He helps Galileo with his experiments and believes in galileo's theory. Federzoni's purpose in the play is to give Galileo some help, ideas, and advice. Brecht is saying even though Galileo has different class assistants, they work together and enjoy themselves. Andrea, Federzoni, and Little Monk work together and they don't care what class they are in. "GALILEO is supervising his assistants-ANDREA, FEDERZONI, and the LITTLE MONK-who are about to prepare an experiment"(87) They do not have arguments while working and they are doing the same amount of work. Also, Federzoni is from the lower class because he cannot read Latin and Andrea can. "I can't read the material, it's in Latin."(89) Little Monk is part of the clergy, which is on the top of the class structure.

    2. "The question is whether you can afford to remain silent?"(89) Federzoni is questioning Galileo with a hint of advice. This quote somewhat gives me the idea that Federzoni is hinting Galileo; this the time, it's now or never! The quote also seems to have courage in it.

    3. Federzoni is in this play because he gets a part of the play moving. He represents even if he cannot read Latin, he is still a scientist. Even if others say he is not fit to be one because he cannot read Latin, Federzoni still continues to do what he wants because there is Galileo, who made him the way he is today. Also, that Galileo had a major influence in Federzoni's life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jullian Guirguis

    1) Federzoni is not an important person in this play. He is just Galileo’s assistant and does not play any crucial role that would impact the play in any way. Galileo has a lot of different assistants from all different classes. Federzoni is there to show a different view on the theories of Galileo. Federzoni agrees with Galileo most of the time and tries to help him to the best of his abilities.

    2) “I can't read the material, it's in Latin.” (89) This quote shows that Federzoni
    is only a lab assistant and does not have that much knowledge about his works. He takes Galileo’s word for everything and try little to investigate for himself. Most real scientists would defiantly know how to read Latin because it is part of their profession. But Federzoni is just a mere lab assistant. Federzoni relies greatly on the words of Galileo, if Galileo was not there to guide him, he would be lost.

    3) Federzoni is in the play to help Galileo with his theories and to show that even the little people are important to science. Galileo impacted Federzoni greatly because Federzoni continued his studies.

  6. 1. I think Federzoni's purpose in the play is to show that the social classes should come together and defend one another theory no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
    2. "The question is whether you can afford to remain silent"(89). This shows that it all depends on if Galileo will say his theory to everyone or remain silent and safe from harm.
    3. Federzoni is in the play because it shows a supporter of Galileo and how he helps Galileo. It shows what will happen when Galileo starts getting supporters from other people.

  7. 1) Federzoni's purpose in this play is to become a strong supporter of Galileo and side with him. Federzoni is the lab assistant of Galileo meaning he's in the bottom of the social hierarchy and yet still supports someone going against the Catholic Church. And Ludovico himself is part of the Catholic Church and doesn't side with Galileo. Federzoni isn't afraid of death for supporting Galileo.

    2) Federzoni is beyond being a lab assistant of Galileo, "June 22, 1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted" (113). Federzoni actually cares for Galileo and side with him for both Galileo's theory and what he believed in. He claimed he didn't want to go on living if Galileo recanted.

    3) Federzoni is in the play because he is an important role for supporting Galileo. He isn't just a regular supporter, but he actually helps Galileo in experiments and care for his risk of death. Galileo isn't just risking his own life, but also Federzoni.

  8. Kayla Paula

    1. I think Federozini was a a wise old man and very straight foward. He must have been in the lower class as well, being an assistant to Galileo. The church is at the top of the social hierarchy leaving the rest of society at the bottom. When the Little Monk expressed his reasoning for not fully siding with Galileo he expressed how if Galileo's revelations got out to the public they would live hopeless lives because the church was wrong and god will no longer have a plan for them. I think through Federozini Brecht was trying to show that that theory can't be totally true and could possibly benefit society since he was a believer in Galileo.

    2. "Virginia faints. Andrea, Little Monk, and Galileo rush to her. Federozini continues working"(97). This shows Federozini is diligent and takes science seriously since he would not drop everything to run to Virginia as the others had. Federozini's eagerness towards science represents a possible reaction of society and that it could be good for the people. Federozini believed in Galileo and was very straightfoward when it came to meetings with officials "Are you going to look through it our not? (68). It shows how he wanted them to move on to the actual reason of why they were there, to see the telescope, not to challenge Galileo.

    3. Federozini is in the play to represent the individuality that should be spread among society. He wanted them to see and discover what he had, something that can give a different view of the world than the one they've always been used to. It would allow people to break free of the church, believe and do as they please.

  9. Carmelinda Coppola

    1)Since Federzoni helps Galileo with his experiments his purpose in the play is to support Galileo’s theories with a different perspective. For instance, in the quote, “He had no telescope” (68), this quote briefly expresses that Federzoni isn’t a main character, but his ideas change the ideas of people. When the philosopher supports Aristotle, Federzoni says this for the philosopher to realize that Galileo’s ideas are a great way for change, which can benefit the nation. Furthermore, the hidden message Brecht wants Federzoni to communicate that other opinions from the higher class depends on change. Federzoni is trying to show that class structure is vital, because Galileo tried to persuade Prince De’Medici to look through the microscope, “Take a look through here-you’ll be interested” (67). Although, Federzoni is an advocate for Galileo and a body guard to stick up for Galileo’s theories, he is trying to persuade people in the court to observe Galileo’s ideas, but since the Prince nor Lord Chamberlin wanted to observe the microscope, Galileo’s ideas weren’t accepted.

    2) Federzoni’s purpose is to express Galileo’s theories based on his words or theories that he says in the play. In the quote, “The question is whether you can afford to remain silent” (89), Federzoni speaks to Andrea, and he tries to tell him that Galileo’s opinions should be kept silent; otherwise there would conflicts throughout the community, since Galileo is going against the church. Federzoni is a lab assistant to help Galileo, but he thinks in a different way by inquiring Andrea in an indirect way which allows people to realize that Galileo’s ideas seem wrong, but his ideas can benefit the people in a major cause. In addition, “None of them speak Latin” (95), this resembles that Federzoni is a bodyguard for Galileo; he implies further detail, which allows people including the philosopher, as I said before, to think with a whole new eye. Also Federzoni wants Galileo to write his theories in Latin, so people wouldn’t understand the ideas, which brings the church and Galileo in a happy state of mind.

    3) Federzoni is in the play because he wants to teach people that they need to adjourn from the biased thoughts. Federzoni is similar to Galileo’s body guard, since he is trying to insert more facts from someone else’s opinion, to let Galileo’s ideas protrude. He also shows that people need to support their arguments only when they have accurate evidence. “He had no telescope” (68), signifies Federzoni supplies facts for the people to the Philosopher, so people can realize that the other people and the Philosopher that believe in the church’s opinion is just biased, the church just wants to remain in power, thus, Galileo’s ideas are denied. Federzoni wants people to recognize that people need evidence to support themselves for their argument.

  10. Shenelle Reddick

    1. As a lab assistant to Galileo, I think Federozini's main purpose in this play is to support Galileo and convince outsiders and non believers (such as members of the church) that Galileo's theory can bring them together without any doubt.

    2. "June 22, 1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted." (113) This shows that Federozini's loyalty goes beyond the lab and shows that he stands behind Galileo and his theories 100%.

    3. Federozini is in this play to not only support Galileo, but also to make you think. He makes you think of what society would be like if there wasn't so much corruption and controversy

  11. Rima Issa

    1) Federzoni is Galileo's assistant, who helps Galileo with his experiments. Besides being Galileo's assistant, Federzoni also plays a crucial role. He gives Galileo advice as well as being a good friend. He stays with Galileo through everything and he believes in him. Brecht is trying to say it doesn't matter what social class your in. He is trying to say that everyone (Federzoni, Galileo, Little Monk, and Andrea) can all work together in harmony.
    2) "Do you really think so?" (111). This quote shows that Federzoni isn't convinced that Galileo will recant. "Get him a glass of water" (114). This shows that Federzoni was worried about Galileo and he stood by him while Andrea didn't even want to see his face.
    3) I think that Federzoni is in this play because Brecht wants to show friendship in his play and to show people from any social class can help in Galileo's experiments.

  12. 1)I agree with Anastasio. Federezoni is there to help Galileo even though they come from different social classes. His character shows that social class doesn't matter if you believe in the same things. It's the thought that should keep them apart not there social class.
    2)Federezoni and Galileo both believe in the same idea and even though they come from different social classes, that does not choose how they should think. "We might live to see the day, Federezoni, when we don't have to whisper that two an two are four"(92). Galileo and Federezoni both agreed with each other on what they thought was right.
    3)Federezoni is in the play to show that class shouldn't separate those who think alike. He is also a strong supporter of Galileo.

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  14. Alisia Chan

    1)In this play, Federzoni assists Galileo and shows full support of Galileo and his theory. The hidden message that Brecht want Federzoni to communicate about class structure is that despite their social classes' difference, Federzoni highly supports Galileo and put his life in a matter of risk (anyone who revolt against the church at that time was considered a villain [last year global history]).
    2)"Me? You leave me out. I said "hm," that was all. And you don't discuss new things before me. I can't read the materials, it's in Latin. (He drops the scales and stands trembling with fury.) Tell me, can i doubt anything" (89)? In this quote, beyond his role as Galileo's assistant; He himself is curious of the truth and wants to know of it.
    3)Federzoni's purpose in the play is to show that social classes doesn't separate people. And it can also show that not everyone who were below Galileo's social class was against him (like the peasants who are highly manipulated by the church).

  15. -Elizabeth Saballos

    1. Federzoni's purpose in the play is to show that there were people like him, who were in the lower class of the social system, that wanted to be educated and wished to learn about science, so they wouldn't have to live under the power of the Church. The hidden message Brecht wants Federzoni to communicate about class structure is that even though Federzoni was of the lower class, he too could learn and be educated with science. Federzoni shows that it didn't matter where your position in the social class was, you could learn and be educated to make ideas, opinions, and beliefs on your own and not have the Church do them all for you.

    2. Federzoni: "June 22,1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted." (113)
    - Federzoni's purpose beyond being a lab assistant was to support Galileo and his theories. He supports Galileo and his theories because Galileo is who was helping Federzoni learn about science so Federzoni would not have to learn and go by ideas of the Church.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to represent people of the lower class and to help people who are less powerful than the Church realize the Church wasn't always right.

  16. Victor Acevedo

    1.Federzoni's purpose in this play is to support and question Galileo's theory. Even though Federzoni isn't a main character, he plays an important role when dealing with Galileo's theory. The difference in the point of view that Federzoni has, will strenghten Galileo's theory and will help him defend his theory towards the higher classmen and those who also have opposing views. Brecht is trying to say that a social hierarchy can't separate people and that no matter what social class your in, you can have a big impact on society.

    2. "Federzoni goes over to the LITTLE MONK, and all of them stand absolutely still in cramped positions. Nothing happens. No bell sounds. After a silence, filled with the murmur of Virginia's prayers, FEDERZONI runs to the wall to look at the clock. He turns around, his expression changed. He shakes his head. They drop their hands"(113). This shows that Federzoni is also there to support Galileo and accept what fate does to him.

    3. I think Federzoni is in the play to show that anyone from any social class can make a difference in society.

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  18. -Cindy Chan

    1. In the play, Federzoni acts as an assistant of Galileo's. He agrees with Galileo's theory and works with him on his experiments. I think the hidden message is to show how people of different class structure can communicate to tell and show their own ideas.

    2. "Me? You leave me out. I said "hm," that was all. And don't discuss new things before me."(89). This shows his thinking and decisions are an important part of a discussion.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to show his side of view about his support of Galileo's theory. His part is to also act as a scientist.

  19. 1-
    Federzoni's purpose in the play was being one of those people in the play who supported him with his theory, without a care of what any high or low class people in society, thought. His character showed that he thought people of no matter what class, if they weren't accepting or understanding than they were just as clueless and worthless as anyone else."are you going to look through it or not?"(68) this quote shows how Federzoni thought he had to say something because no one during the "Discordi" was willing to, which makes him think they were clueless of what to think in the whole theory situation. Federzoni once again is a supporter to galileo's theories and believes that it can take anyone from any class to look into his idea to understand it.
    Federzoni has a strong support to Galileo and although he is in fact a minor character in the play, he does actually show what he believes and that is gaping with Galileo's theory. "We did not paint the Medicean stars on the lens."(70) This shows how he sees the high class peoples little tolerance towards things out of the church beliefs.
    Federzoni is in the play to show readers the idea of seeing out of the regular and accepting it rather than not wanting to believe it. In the play he isn't much fond of the high class.(88) His purpose is to show how with acceptance towards things it can change current things, it's all a matter of going out there and sticking to what you believe.

  20. 1- In this play i think Federzoni's part is to help prove Galileo's point. Brecht thinks that maybe Federzoni is giving society a better understanding of Galileo's thoeries.

    2- Federzoni- "D-e m-a-c-u-l-i-s i-n s-o-l-e" (88). This means sun spots. This shows that Federzoni a supporting or a supporter to Galileo's theories.

    3- Federzoni is in this play to try to get people to support Galileo's theories.

    Kamal Barakat

  21. 1. I believe the purpose of Federzoni in this play is to replace Sagredo, Galileo's old friend. At the end of scene three when Galileo says he will leave for Florence, Sagredo says,"Galileo, you are traveling the road to disaster"(65). Sagredo is warning Galileo that if he goes public with his theories, he will die. Without taking his friend's advice and help, he goes to Florence without his friend. Basically Galileo uses Federzoni to go further down this "road to disaster" when Sagredo could not.

    2.On page 88, in the italics it says,"FEDERZONI resentfully puts the books into their hands and continues with the preparation of the experiment"(88). This shows that Federzoni helps gather the materials Galileo needs to conduct an experiment. He assists Galileo in the lab.

    3.Federzoni is in the play to make Galileo look smarter."Federzoni: ...who ordered the earth stand still because their castles might be shaken loose if it revolves..."(96). Federzoni supports Galileo's opinion but doesn't explain why he does. It seems he doesn't have an opinion for himself. He also does not understand Latin at all and repeats this throughout the book. The positive thing him being in the play because he is another supporter of Galileo when Galileo has very little supporters.

    Peter Hansen

  22. 1. Federzoni is a old man whose the assistant of Galileo. Since he is Galileo assistant with his experiment he should be really knowledge and knows the truth of the Sun being the center of the earth. Federzoni is a powerless old man. Although he knows the truth he cannot go against the church or help Galileo fight his debate. He can't doubt anything because he has no power. Overall the main purpose would be one who knows the truth or has doubt would not go against the authority's.Federzoni fear the one with power or authority.

    2.Me? You leave me out. I said "hm", that was all. And don't you discuss new things before me. I can't read the material, it's in Latin. (He drops the scales and stands trembling with fury.) Tell me, can I doubt anything?" (89)

    Well as this quote said "can I doubt anything". Federzoni said it out of fear and anger. He said his word correctly and giving us the clue that he is beyond and assistant. From that phrase he told us "can he doubt anything". Obviously he cannot doubt anything or even say his doubts in day.He has no power that is why he cannot doubt or say anything bad for the one with power.

    3. He is in the play in order to show us how meaningless would it be to have ideas when your in the lower class without a single right.

    "Mathematician:The last word
    Federzoni: He had no telescope

    As you can see Federzoni doesn't seem to have a single right here. His words and speech was get interrupted and rejected. He was badly foul mouthed off. Mean while When Galileo speaks they listen with respect and never said anything rude.

  23. -Nicholas Maddalena
    1)Federzoni helps Galileo with his experiments, which relates back to our earlier theme of "not making guesses without giving evidence." He helps Galileo create the evidence he needs to make more accurate guesses. In terms of a "hidden message," Federzoni sort of points out a falseness in the idea that peasants will revolt if the church is disproved. However, Federzoni is in a similar lower class as the peasants, and still works against the church. Relating to the holocaust, Brecht tries to make people realize that many of the petty excuses to follow Hitler are as shallow as the excuses to follow the Catholic church.
    2)"the question is whether you can afford to remain silent"(89). Federzoni proves here to be less of a lab assistant, and more of an encouragement to Galileo. He tries to have Galileo realize how valuable his theory is, and that he would be depriving the world of great knowledge should he "remain silent."
    3)As previously stated, Federzoni proves that there are lower class people intent on proving the church wrong, as opposed to following it blindly. Brecht uses him to make us realize how foolish the defense for the Church really is.

  24. 1)The purpose of putting Federzoni in this play is to explain to readers how it's ok to believe in science even a little, no matter what social class you originate from. Since Federzoni is an old man, people who might not be a supporter of Galileo may notice that this old man is with him. So Galileo might be actually telling the truth if this old guy is with him it usually means he's wise.

    2)"The question is whether you can afford to remain silent"(89). Here we see Federzoni telling the truth in somewhat of a humorous way. The readers know that Galileo made all these new discoveries but the more important part is to remain quiet about the information. If not then consequences will occur. This quote also support Federzoni as a wise old man.

    3)I believe he's part of the play so he can act as Galileo's "supporter". Brecht put him their so readers won't feel as if Galileo has lost the battle with the church before it has even begun.

  25. -Kevin Weng

    1.The purpose of Federzoni in this play is to support Galileo.Federzoni is in a lower class structure than Galileo, this is telling how anyone in the class structure can stand up for what they believe in.Not many have enough guts as Federzoni, he is willing to do whatever it takes to help Galileo."Don't want to live if Galileo recant"(113).

    2.Federzoni is not just a lab assistant, that helps with his experiments. Federzoni talks back and speak up to help Galileo, if people were to offend him. When Mathematician clean the lens of the telescope, Federzoni said "we did not paint the Medicean stars on the lens". Referring that Galileo is cheating his way to success by showing fake stars(70).

    3.Federzoni is in the play to show that not everyone thinks alike and follow all the same thing. Many of the lower social classes has no power and just wanted to follow the churches, but Federzoni is different.Federzoni has courage and don't let anything stand in his way of what he believe in.

  26. 1. I think Federzoni is just a background character in the book. His purpose is to help Galileo with his experiments. I also think it has a matter to do with social class and no matter what level you are at you can still be helpful. So I think his purpose is to support his theories, and show that kind of relationship.

    2. "who ordered the earth stand still because their castles might be shaken loose if it revolves"(96). This shows how Federzoni is talking with Galileo and Andrea and agreeing with them and supporting them. It also shows how he is somewhat apart of their little scientific group.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to show additional support to Galileo, his friends and his theories.

  27. 1) The purpose of Federzoni is to assist and to help Galileo in his experiments. This proves that Federzoni is also aware about the truth of the Earth revolving around the sun. The "hidden message" that Brecht wants to get across about class structure is that even though Galileo and Federzoni are from different social classes, they still work side by side with each other and assist each other.

    2) "Federzoni: June 22,1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted" (113) This quote shows that Federzoni is more than just a lab assistant because he is a true and loyal friend to Galileo. He cared and dint turn his back when Galileo most needed real friends. This can relate to Global History with the reign of terror when neighbors or friends would turn their backs on one another and not be loyal to each other. Federzoni has proved thathe sees Galileo as something more than just a lab partner.

    3)Federzoni is in this play to basically help and be Galileo's supporter and "right hand". Brecht added a character such as Federzoni to show that Galileo had some sort of support with his theories and that he didnt go through the tough journey alone, because two heads are better than one.

  28. 1.Federzoni’s purpose in the play is to be Galileo’s friend and the one who supports him. He keeps encouraging Galileo to keep on with his theories and tell them to the world. Federzoni is like a backbone to Galileo.
    2.“The two women realize what has happened, Virginia faint. Andrea, little Monk, and Galileo rush to her. Federzoni continues working.” (97) This shows that Federzoni is really into his work and won’t stop for anything until Galileo and his theories are accepted.
    3.Federzoni is in the play is support Galileo and to show how social classes can come together.
    Gloribel Romero

  29. First of all, I would have to say that I agree on everyone about what is said about Federzoni.

    1- Basically, Federzoni's role in this play is to support Galileo as for the Church to have a massive body of supporters. Federzoni is there to help show that there were people of the lower classes who would want to support ideas but some are just afraid to go against their authorities (the Church). Federzoni is also one of those people who would support the truth even if it will take their life away. ("I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted." (113)) In this case, Federzoni is part of the minority of the people who believes that the truth should be supported rather than support the ideas that have no evidence to back it up. And like the message that was expressed on page 127, Brecht might be saying that not everyone didn't believe what they see and Federzoni one of the the examples that express this message. Basically, I had wanted to say that many people of the upper classes didn't wanted to truth because of what the truth could actually do to them.(82-86) In other words, Brecht would be saying that many people have support of others through falsehood and the truth can do alot of harm to many people.
    2- "Why should we go out of our way to look for things that can only strike a discord in the ineffable harmony?... FEDERZONI: Take a look here-you'll be interested..." (67) This quote basically is trying to say that Federzoni is one of those people who tries to convince others to believe what they see and no jus believe what they hear and take it non-fiction. For this quote, Brecht might be saying that people often times would try to do nothing about the fiction because of the fact that the fiction has given them a good life. But in this case, Federzoni is to help promote the idea of not making assumptions before observations and that the truth maybe a good thing to know about.
    3-Federzoni's role in this play is to basically show that lower classes had a want for the truth but they can't. And besides the fact that Federzoni is one of the main supporters of Galileo (and or the lab assistant), he is also to show that people should know the actual truth about anything rather than make them believe the falsehood of things.

  30. 1) Federzoni is Galileo's assistant and he helps Galileo with his experiments. He helps
    Galileo even though he knows that he is going against the church. Going against the church makes you in the lower class because church is on the top of the social hierarchy. Federzoni's job in the play is to support Galileo in the thing he does. Even if he is going to go against the church with his theory.

    2) "...Who ordered earth stnad still becasue their castles might be shaken looses if it revolves..." Federzoni in this quote is supporting Galileo and his theory. He is saying the rich or wealthy is scared that the world is not the center of the earth because then church will no longer be on the top of the social classes and he cant stand people just listening to the church not not going to find out information on their own.

    3)Federzoni is in this play because he is the person that we need that seems to be careless but is acually the most suppotive person. He supports Galileo when he needs support.

  31. Aileen Gonzalez

    1. The purpose of Federzoni in Brechts book was to keep an eye on Galileos errors and to support him. Even though Federzoni is lower class he still has some faith in himself and not necessarily in the church. For Federzoni is part of the lower class this shows that not all were part of the church but just secretly refused to believe the bible. Brecht wants to communicate the fact that social stability may always be the same, but the way people in society think will never be the same. Federzoni is not a gullable character because he gives science a chance as so does Galileo.

    2."Federzoni: Me? You leave me out. i said "hm," that was all. And don't you discuss new things before me. I can't read the material, it's in Latin. (He drops the scales and stands trembling with fury.) Tell me, can I doubt anything?....Ascuentist in the chair of Peter!... Who ordered the earth stand still because their cadtles might be shaken loose if it revoles" (89-96). This shows that not only does Ferderzoni disagree with the fact that the church should have all the power he also believes science plays a big role in society. Ferderzoni wants to question his surroundings but its societies ignorance that makes science so difficult to make a change. He aproves the fact that science wouldnt look bad on the chair of Peter. He knows that the church has a clue that the heliocentric theory might be true but its the fact that the church does not want to loose its power over the " faith" of people as in lower class. Federzoni cant read latin therefore what goes on in the bible makes it harder for him to understand.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to show the audience that there were people from all social classes that agreed with Galileo. Federzoni shows the audience that not all what the church says is true yet perhaps wrong. Federzoni shows the audience that he is not gullable but believes in something that has some type of proof.

  32. Tiana Nunez

    1) I believe that the hidden message that Brecht has about Federzoni is to show that Galileo did have people that supported him. Another hidden message is that the people who do support Galileo are in a low rank in society but they are the ones that have knowledge other than the poor ones who aren't educated and just believe what the church tells them.

    2) "I wouldn't have wanted to go on living id he had recanted." (113). This quote proves Federzoni supported Galileo and he believed that Galileo should keep sharing his ideas.

    3) Federzoni is in this play to prove not everyone was against Galileo even tho a large population was. Educated people who weren't at the highest rank in society like the clergy were the ones to believe Galileo and stand by him.

  33. 1. The purpose of Federzoni in this play is to assist Galileo during experimentations. "Galileo supervises his assistants which are Ludovico, Little Monk and Federzoni."(87) The purpose of Federzoni is to support Galileo and strengthen his evidence.

    2. Even though Federzoni cannot read or write and he is in the lower class, he does support Galileo. "I can't read the material, its in Latin."(89) This quote shows Federzoni being true to himself even though he doesn't really have the brains to think about the theories in detail and not being ignorant like the church followers.

    3.Federzoni is in the play to show how even some lower class people know what science is and how foolish lies are. He proves how if people like him follow the right path follow Galileo, they can easily break the web of lies the church has created.

  34. Anthony Grullon

    1. In this play Federzoni is an old man who assists Galileo with his experiments. I think Federzoni’s purpose is to support and help Galileo with his theories. I think Brecht’s hidden message is that anyone could believe in science even if you have a different social status.

    2. “June 22, 1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn’t have wanted to go on living if he had recanted.” (113). These words shows that Federzoni was not only his lab assistant but that he truly wanted to learn a lot more from Galileo and that he wanted Galileo’s theories to be spread.

    3. Federzoni is in this play to show that there were someone people supporting Galileo and that not everyone was against him.

  35. - Joy Mai -

    1. Federzoni's purpose in the play is so that the reader's feel my sympathy for the people who believe in science. Brecht wants to show the readers how restricted and shadowed the Medici Court and Church is through Federzoni's knowledge about the world to try and help Galileo prove his point.

    2. "The question is whether you can afford to remain silent"(89). This quote shows that Federzoni is more than a lab assistant because he wants Galileo and Andrea to try and force the theory upon the people. He is testing to see if they truly believe in their theory but also if they will take the risk to uncover the truth and sacrifice themselves for something they believe in.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to show readers that he supports Galileo's theory and he plays a big part in helping Galileo achieve his goal of announcing it to the world.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. 1. Federzoni's purpose in the play is to judge openly and freely. Brecht wants us to realize that because Federzoni is of the lowest class in the social hierarchy, his comments and statements are not very highly regarded. But he voices his opinions freely and openly because he won't face any consequences since he has nothing to lose. He has no money, no status or family to marry off, so why should he be scared of what anyone says? Therefore, Brecht is trying to tell us that the higher a person is in the social hierarchy, the more constrained a persons right to freely speak is. He/she must follow a certain perspective and mind set. But the more lower a person is in the social hierarchy, the more easier it is for them to speak freely and openly since there is little regard/respect for what he/she says.

    2. Federzoni's purpose in the play is to judge society in complete honesty and without bias. He is the complete opposite of his creator, Brecht. This is evident when Federzoni says to the audience at Galileo's house, "We did not paint the Medicean stars on the lens"(70). This shows how fearless and direct Federzoni is. His ability to analyze people like the Medici court is amazing, and his will to speak the truth is courageous. He does not care whether one is a Medici or a cardinal, for everyone is simply a human to him. Therefore he treats everyone like a human, and nothing more. Overall, Federzoni's purpose in this play is to analyze and judge society with an honest simplicity. He goes beyond the rocks(social class), and more deeper into the sand(inner character/feelings) of society.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to provide readers with a simple and easy to understand perspective of social hierarchy in society. He has no beliefs that may contradict truth, and so the reader is given a legit and unbiased view of society.

    -I bet if I hired Federzoni to edit my writing he would have shortened it to about a sentence or two. He gets through the junk and to the point. What an awesome character he is!


  38. Kayla Williams

    1. I feel that Federzoni's purpose in the play was to show that he was one of the main believers in Galileo's theory and that although he did believe his theory, he was still aware that it wasn't a good thing to do. The hidden message Brecht is trying to communicate about class structure is that it didn't really depend on what class they were in to believe in Galileo's theory because Federzoni is in a lower class than Andrea was, and Andrea also believed in Galileo's theory.

    2. "Are you going to look through it or not?" (68). This quote shows that Federzoni does not like that they are just going against Galileo, with out even trying out his telescope, he was, in a way, telling them they weren't there for them to argue with Galileo, just look at his invention and say whether it was good or not.

    3. Federzoni is in the play because he was one of the main supporters of Galileo's theory, and he was one of Galileo's assistants. After all, most of the play was made up of Galileo's theory.

  39. 1. Federzoni remains loyal to Galileo throughout the story. He is an assiatnat of a scientist, which makes him ineffective to the society, but he is very important in Brecht’s opinion. Federzoni represents the group of people who are influenced by science. Galileo and Federzoni works closely with one another. There are no social class between them. He is the support of Galileo when ever he fails; he isbehind Galileo’s back (113).

    2. “Federzoni: The question is whether you can afford to remain silent.” (89) We can see that not every lower classmen is ignorant. They have their own opinions about their surroundings. Federzoni is telling Galileo to spread his theory. The world can hear Federzoni’s voice through the actions of Galileo.

    3. Federzoni shows that hierarchy does not affect the way work is being done. Galileo does not humiliate him like the church does. Instead, Galileo listens to Federzoni (89) Galileo would not have succeeded without the help of his assistant. The workers behind the scene have contributed a lot (97).

    Wan Yu Fung (Alice)
    period 3

  40. 1- Federzoni's purpose in the play was to show the thinking of someone in a lower social class. Federzoni is always there to help Galileo, and he also agree's with his theories. The fact that Federzoni is in a lower social class rhan Galilep shpw's that his theories don't cause chaos.

    2- "Are you going to..." (68). This quote shows how Federzoni was anxious to show the prince and his people about the telescope. He wanted to get to the point of the meeting and discuss Galileo's theories. Federzoni was always on Galileo's side even if he knew going against the church was a bad idea. This proves that he was more than an assistant since he was helping Galileo with experiments and trying to help him get his theories through to other people.

    3- Federzoni is in this play to show a different prospective/idea in the story. He's in the lower class but is still helping Galileo with his theories. This show's that maybe the Little Monk was wrong when he said the lower class would get out of control. Maybe it's better for them to know the truth instead of living a lie.

    -Maria Gonzalez

    1) Federzoni's purpose in the play is to support Galileo and his theory. He represents one of the many people who supported Galileo when he expressed his ideas and confronted the church. Brecht wants to show that many people wanted Galileo to go against the church and that even church members supported his theory.
    2)" june 22, 1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted(113)". This shows that Federzoni was also against the church and would have given up if Galileo had recanted.
    3) Federzoni is in the play to show that not only some people were on Galileo's side but also members of the church.

  42. 1) Federozoni's purpose is to show how anyone will trust someone else if they have evidence on what they support. Federozoni is low class and people from the low class get manipulated to believe everything the church says. But when Galileo finds evidence to support his theories federozoni believes him and does not trust the church.
    2) I wouldnt have wanted to go on living if he had recanted (113). I feel that this is saying that if Galileo changes his theories the lower class could only trust the church,knowing that they are wrong.
    3) Federozoni is in the play to symbolize how facts change peoples opinions.

  43. 1) Federzoni's purpose in the play is as Galileo's assistant and companion. He usually agrees with Galileo's thoughts and supports him. Federzoni is almost like the sidekick of Galileo.

    2) ''I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted" (113) This qute shows that Federzoni is a loyal assistant and friend. He has worked so hard with Galileo on theories in science and he wasn't willing to just give them up. He looks up to Galileo as a role model, and if Galileo recants, he would crumble, because the person he looks up to has given up. Federzoni is more than just a lab assistant to Galileo.

    3) Federzoni is in the play to show that people in the lower classes supported Galileo, another member of the lower class. Galileo did have some supporters and not just people who disagreed. He was one of the people that Galileo gave hope to.

  44. 1. Federzoni purpose in the play was to show how anyone in any class structure could help those even in the classes higher than him or her. Also how even those in the lower class can have their own thirst for knowledge in the Science world. Having a class structure is not to limit yourself to only thinking about what you know already. You are able to expand your knowledge if you want and are able to. Since Federzoni would be known as a person in a lower class because he wasn’t well known or of a great importance in society, he was still able to assist Galileo with his studies/ research and help him out (66). This is the “hidden” message that Brecht wanted Federzoni to communicate.

    2. “We did not paint the Medicean stars on the lens” (70).
    This quote shows how Federzoni believed in Galileo. He thinks that Galileo’s observations of the stars were right and trusts him. Therefore he helps him out trying to defend his findings. This shows how he is not only a lab assistant, but also a supporter of Galileo.

    3. Federzoni is in this play because he shows us how important a lower class person can be to person of a higher class. He helped out Galileo with his studies/ research and supporting him along the way with his other lab assistants (87).

    -Claudia Wang-

  45. Jocy Saavedra

    1) The hidden message in this play about Federzoni is, even the higher class want to know everything. They want to be full of the new knowledge. It doesn't matter if your in the upper or lower class, all you want is to know what in new to others. Everyone was talking about Galileo and his theory of the sun being the center of the universe. Those in the lower class didn't care about his theory, regardless they cared about what the church had to say. Compared to the higher class, they did care about his knowledge. How would Galileo come up with such things, if the church said another. Making the message, doesn't matter what class you are in, everyone wants to be updated or know the new knowledge.

    2) "June 22,1633: dawn of the age of reason. I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted." (113). This quote shows that Federzoni has created a bond with Galileo more than just an assistant. It's more like a friend that supports him and believe that Galileo shouldn't give up on his ideas. He should share it and not care about what the church has to say.

    3) Federzoni's purpose in this play is to show that a little support can be helpful to others and even the higher class would want to learn at least a little of the lower class. Showing that no one is really superior of others. Your the boss of your own actions, not the church.

  46. In the play, Federzoni is Galileo's assistant. What Brecht is trying to say is that the rich, powerful people at the top of social hierarchy are not very bright. At the top is a nine year old prince who has no idea what is going on in the world. "My coleague Mr. Federzoni does not understand latin"(66) Federzoni does not understand latin, which means that he is not fancy and rich like the upper class, but he is very smart and more educated than them. Brecht is trying to say that the the people at the top who thought they were smarter than everyone else really weren't. Brecht put Fedezoni in the play also to show that just because a person doesn't have the best education and didn't go to the finest school that dosen't mean that they are dumb.

  47. Salma Nakhlawi

    If Federzoni's job is to help Galileo with his experiments, then his purpose in the play is to make sure that Galileo is right. He makes sure that Galileo has sufficient evidence to support his theories and findings. The hidden message that Brecht wants Federzoni to communicate about class structure is that scientists think that their work is higher than people. When Virginia faints, everyone but Federzoni rushes to her (97). This can be seen as selfish. It shows that some scientists care more about what they are doing than people.

    Federzoni goes beyond being a lab assistant. He acts like a crutch for Galileo: always offering him support. When Galileo goes to present his findings and none of the clergy members want to look through the telescope, Federzoni attempts to get the church members to look through the telescope. "FEDERZONI: Are we going to look through it or not?" (68). He refuses to let the clergy go against Galileo's theory without proper evidence. He even tells them that Aristotle was wrong in his findings because he had no telescope to support him (68).

    Federzoni is in this play for the same reason that Mrs. Sarti is in this play. He shows that people have their own thoughts and ideas as well as reasons for doing so. He has his own mind and he has enough support to show the world that he is right.

  48. Ruben Huertero

    1.Federozoni's purpose in the play is to be a supporting character.He is there to show how Galileo is a leader to everyone who believes in him.He is also there to show how Galileo's theories impact others opinions and thoughts. Federozoni is a helper of Galileo because he choose to follow Galileo's theories at all costs.

    2."Federozoni:A scientist in the chair of Peter!"(92).He wants the church to follow Galileo's theory.He approves of Galileos theory thats why he follows them and helps with them.He is useful to show that not everyone opposes Galileo and his theories.

    3.Federozoni is in the play to show support of Galileo's theory.It also shows that Galileo is not the only one who tries to prove the church wrong like Galileo.There are other people in the play who support Galileo.

  49. 1) Federzoni is Galileos assitant. He helps Galileo with all of his experiments along with Little monk and Andrea. He also supports Galileo's theory in which you can tell he thinks well of Galileo. I think Brechts message from Federzoni is too show the point of view from one of Galileos faithful followers.

    2) " Are you going to look through it or not?" (68). This quote shows that he is in the play to be a backround character that defends Galileo through everything aswell as support him.

    3)Federzoni's point in the play isn't very big but his role does have meaning. His point is to show even though society was ignorant at this time there were some people that appreciated science and listened to the facts.

    Nina Pena period 1

  50. Federzoni isn't a major character but he is in a few important scenes. "Take a look through here- you'll be interested." (67) This shows that Federzoni supports Galileo which leaves him in a lower social class in the social hierarchy. It also shows that Federzoni has a mind of his own and doesn't follow the church like majority of people.

    "Are you going to look through it or not?" (68) This shows that Federzoni purpose is being beyond a lab assistant. He's anxious and eager to help Galileo prove his theory.

    Federzoni's purpose in the play is to help Galileo. WIthout help or support, it would be harder for Galileo to prove his theory.

  51. Federzoni is not a major character in the play however he does provide an unbiased opinion on the happenings throughout the play. Federzoni finds himself in residence of the lowest part of social hierarchy. One clue to this being him unable to understand different languages. “Shall we speak in everyday language? My colleague Mr. Federzoni does not understand Latin.” (66) However being at the bottom of social hierarchy Federzoni is allowed to speak his thoughts and ideas without being prosecuted because unlike Galileo, Federzoni’s words will not be taken seriously. For this reason I believe the main message Brecht is using Federzoni for is that considering the poor have nothing to lose they are allowed to speak freely. The rich however are constrained and are unable to express their ideas because what they say may have major impacts on society for better or worse.

    “We did not paint the Medicean Stars on the lens” (70)

    These words are what make Federzoni an important and insightful character in this play. This quote shows that Federzoni speaks directly and his words do not need to be deciphered or contemplated. He expresses his thoughts freely without fear of being prosecuted by the Catholic Church. Federzoni is an example of what the poor are able to say and why they are able to say it.

    Federzoni is included in thee play to give the audience a clear and straight to the point answer to what is happening and why. Federzoni has proven he goes straight to the point and does not cloak his words with misguiding statements. He is also included to give perspective from a different class. Federzoni is the only important character that is from the lower class of social hierarchy.

    -Logan Mancuso

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Henry Chu

    1)Federzoni's purpose in the play is to give assitants to Galileo and supports his theory. I think that the hidden message that Brecht wants Federzoni to communicate about his class structure is that don't look down at lower class people. Lower class people also have their rights to believe in anything they want and is able to help out people just like Federzoni did for Galileo.
    2)In the quote,"The question is whether you can afford to remain silent?," it shows that Federzoni doesn't only help on Galileo's work, but also supports him.
    3)Federzoni is in this play because he can help show what he thinks and tell his opinion to benefit Galieo. Although Federzoni is in the lower class, he can still help out wiht Galileo's theory that the sun is actaully the center of the universe.

  54. Marisol Duarte
    1) fedorzoni's part in this play in my opinion is galileos concience even if his parts are little wat he says makes Galileo think hmm what should i do. federzoni is probably not of a high class structure . In my opinion i believe Brecht is trying to show that the diffrent class strutures stick togheter because Federzoni never left galileo as an assistent." we did not paint the Medician stars on the lens.(70)". in this quote Federzoni is defending Galileo by corecting the ddoubts of the higher class aa he defens his social class a I believe Brecht was trying to show.

    2)" the question is whether you can afford to remain silent (89). These word of Federzoni i iterperted as more than a lab assistent but more like galileos concience or a big fan who wants Galileo to move forward. in this he is telling him is it worth keeping shut? it will make galileo think and decide on his next action.
    3)Federzoni is in the play is to be the moticator for Galileo . He is also there to show that people from the same class defend eachother . Ferderzoni's overall part is to explain the action and opinons of one more person on Galileos side and to help Galileo suceed.

  55. Cassidy Charles

    1. Since Federzoni is a lab assistant, he is made to be Galileo's support. He believes in Galileo's theory and is disgusted that the Church won't take the time out to accept the truth. The "hidden" message about class structure is that class structure should not have to affect beliefs. Federzoni is a mechanic and a scholar which is low in the social pyramid. According to Little Monk, peasants like Federzoni are in the dark about the real world. Yet, Federzoni believes in Galileo and knows that his theory is right. It makes him a contradiction to what Little Monk says and shows that class doesn't keep people under the Church's control. It is only their lack in questioning the Church's beliefs that makes them ignorant.

    2. "Me? You leave me out. I said 'hm,' that was all. And don't discuss new things before me. I can't read the material, it's in Latin. (He drops the scales trembling with fury.) Tell me, can I doubt anything?" (89). Federzoni is making a statement that he doesn't need reassurance into what he knows is true. He will always have questions yet he will never turn his back on what he believes in. When he drops the scales, it is a sign of rejecting the judgment of Galileo's theory. It shows that Federzoni is not just there to learn, but to make certain that Galileo does not go into his 'battle' with the Church alone.

    3. Federzoni is in the play to show that there are people who will not give into the ever changing beliefs of the Church. He is a regular part of the social hierarchy, and is going against the Church. Even though he has little power or status, Federzoni chooses to be his own person and takes it upon himself to figure out his beliefs. So far, he is the only perspective that was not connected to either Galileo or the Church.

  56. Blanca Melendez

    1) Federzoni's purpose in this play is to be one more person to prove Galileo correct. Brecht is trying to stress the ignorance that people have for not believing Galileo. Federzoni communicates the message that scientists were very uncredited in the social hierarchy and that their findings and work should have been valued to a greater extent.

    2) - "And don't discuss new things before me. I can't read the material, it's in Latin (89)". This quote displays that Federzoni is more than just a lab assistant because in a previous scene the Philosopher took a stab at Federzoni's lack of Latin implying that he was not well educated. This quote shows that he remembers that and when he gets angry, it seems as though he is regretful that he is not better educated. This shows him as a man with dreams and aspirations, not just Galileo's assistant.
    - "I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he had recanted (113)". This quote displays Federzoni as a man will morals. He has very strong beliefs and it is my understanding that he is bitter against the church. He doesn't agree with scientists being looked down upon and he is very proud of his work; like the work he did with Galileo.

    3) Federzoni is in the play to stress how ignorant society was and to show the flaws in their social hierarchy. People were ignorant because they believed that someone who didn't know Latin didn't know anything. Meanwhile, they had no proof of that. It displays the flaws in their social hierarchy because instead of being famous and valued for their knowledge, scientists were looked down upon and those associated with Galileo were probably viewed as "Bible-killers".

  57. 1)Federzoni is Galileo's assisntance. He helps Galileo with his experiments. This shows that he wants Galileo to make sure that he is correct with what he does. Federzoni is not really an important character in this play. He is just there to help Galileo.

    2) "We might live to see the day, Federezoni, when we don't have to whisper that two an two are four"(92). This quote shows that Federzoni is more than a lab assistant. He believes in Galileo and agrees with his thoeries.

    3) Federzoni is in the play becuase he is one of the people who believe in Galileo's thoery and helps him convince everyone else believe his thoeries.

  58. Ayerin Gomez

    1. Federzoni’s purpose in the play is similar to Andrea’s intent because he also expresses the ideas of the play. In other words Federzoni talks about the purpose/main idea of the play through his own way and words. His hidden message is how it doesn’t matter where you fall in the class structure but that you are true to your word and be outspoken about your ideas/opinions.
    2. “Tell me, can I doubt anything? (82). “The question is whether you can afford to remain silent (82).” “Leave her alone. She doesn’t know whether she’s on her head or on her heels since they got hold of her. They brought her Father Confessor from Florence (112).” These sentences explain how Federzoni is more than just a lab assistant and valuable in this play. In the first quote Federzoni talk about if he should be uncertain about his ideas because see the key idea of this play is to not go against your idea/opinions and Federzoni questioned it. He felt uncertain because of what was going around him with Galileo’s theory and the outcomes that came along with it. In the second quote he questions it again because he asks Galileo what is he going to do. He uses the word “afford”; now he doesn’t necessarily imply that definition but he uses it in a way that to ask if Galileo will be truth to his word. In the third quote Federzoni talks about how Virginia is like everyone else that only believes through the church no matter if they know the truth or not.
    3. He is in this play because he is that important background character that doesn’t talk or show up a lot but still give out those ideas that are very crucial and involve the main point of this play.

  59. Yao Jin Zhu

    1) Federzoni is a minor character whose purpose is to support Galileo. He barely shows up in some scenes, and he first appeared in the fourth scene. When Federzoni is first mentioned in scene 4, the text reads that he is an old man, so Federzoni has more experiences and he has lived longer than Galileo, which could benefit Galileo's theories. Brecht's hidden message is to state that old people are alot smarter than young people.

    2) "The question is whether you can afford to remain silent." (89) This quote shows that Federzoni is not only a lab assistant, but someone who gives great advice to Galileo.

    3) Federzoni is in the play mainly to show the big number of Galileo's supporters. Little monk is tied to Galileo because he feels that his parents are cheated. Compared to little monk, Federzoni also supports Galileo because of personal reasons. With this said, Federzoni is required in the play to help Galileo spread his theories to the people that are ignorant.

  60. Hannabelle Mendez
    1. I believe that Federzoni plays the devil’s advocate in the play. He is on Galileo’s side, and he pushes Galileo to keep working. He gives him advice and guidance. Brecht wants to show that Federzoni thinks the class structure is corrupt.
    2. “The question is whether you can afford to remain silent.” (89) Federzoni is seen taking Galileo’s side, but he asks questions to guide Galileo. He wants Galileo to prove his theory and show it to the church but he knows it won’t be easy.
    3. Federzoni is in the play because he is an example of why social class should not stop people in a society to work together. He is also in the play to help Galileo spread his ideas.

  61. Tony Chan
    1. Federzoni I think purpose is to shows what supports to Galileo. Federzoni appear in little scene but share the same theory of Galileo but little rights. This shows class differences that a higher class is like a rank to prove if you worthy by the people. Brecht wants to show that the social class system is corrupted and the people act toward there class.

    2."The question is whether you can afford to remain silent." (89) Federzoni is taking Galileo ;but also gives questions that he fear. Federzoni wants Galileo theory be proven but fear the church. Federzoni is a guide to Galileo who desires science be proven and use the right way.

    Federzoni in this play to give a example of a certain type of person like little monk. Federzoni too is like little monk who served as example. Federzoni I think is a example of a scientist who chick out when he know it useless showing how other of Galileo job act toward the church. Giving up when felts it useless and Galileo fall is he sigh of giving up.

  62. Vanessa Song

    1. I believe that Federzoni is in the play to emphasize Galileo's beliefs and theories. Federzoni is a extremely bias man. Brecht wants Federzoni is dislike the class structure have him expose the corruption in it.

    2. "Shall we speak in everyday language? My colleague Mr.Federzoni does not understand Latin."(66). Federzoni can also represent the social class because he is so against the Church that he does not try learning Latin.

    3. He is in the play because he helps emphasize the corrupted point of view on social hierarchy. Federzoni also is the one that encourages Galileo to never giving up.

  63. 1) One of the main purposes of Federzoni was to show how messed up the class structure is messed up. It showed how if you weren't educated enough to be able to read Latin, you were excluded from a lot of what was going on in the world. Federzoni also shows how society reacted towards Galileo's theory. A lot of society supported Galileo, up until the point he recanted and society gave up on him.
    2)"I can't read the material, its in Latin."(89)
    This line shows how he's still dedicated to being a scientist and making discoveries about the earth even if not being able to read Latin might hold him back.
    3)Federzoni is in the play to represent the view of the lower classes. The lower classes wanted to understand what was going on, and what was being discovered, but they could not because they did not understand Latin. It might also mean that some of the lower classes tried to find things out for themselves.

  64. 1. His purpose is the play is show us an example of reason v.s faith. Federzoni is a old lenses grinder from the bottom of the social hierarchy. Other members from the bottom of the hierarchy would just do their job and hope that they will have a place in heaven. Federzoni is weak and old, but he still have the intention to be a part of discovering the truth. He believe in Galileon's theory because he is more a pro-reason person.
    2. Federzoni is more than just a lab assistant. He is a follower of a new belief system. " I wouldn't have wanted to go on living if he recanted. " (113) Galileo is like a perfect being to Federzoni.Galileo's teaching is more of a religion than a scientific discovery to Federzoni. If Galileo recant, Federzoni would feels cheat. Federzoni wouldn't have a reason to keep on living anymore.

    3. Federzoni is in this play because Brecht wanted to us to understand that science is more than discovery and theories. Science is all about reasons.

  65. Chaplin Wei
    1) Federzoni's purpose in the play is to show a different perspective of the problem that is going on in the play. He supports Galileo and thinks that people should judge on things through observations rather than just hearing things from thin air. "Take a look through here- you'll be interested in it."(67) Since he knows that they will be interested if they look in the telescope, he supports Galileo that the people of the church should make observations instead of just saying things.
    2) "We did not paint the Medicean stars on the lens."(70). This shows that he is far more than an assistant because he is stating that there are really stars and that the prince can't make assumptions like that. Also, when he says "we", he starts defending in first person so he is not just helping Galileo but he is also trying to help everyone that is being deceived by the church and the Medici family. "No more scientific discussions."(111). This shows that he is being cautious because he is trying to pause the scientific discussions so it might not effect the trial that was going on at that moment. Also, it tells us that he is not just concerned about what is going to happen to Galileo but the people of the country too so he is not just an assistant.
    3) Federzoni is in the play to show that a person or an organization should base their decisions on what they observe and knowing what the effects on the outside of the situation. He shows that one should look in a situation through many points instead of one point that one would stick to the most.

  66. 1. Federzoni’s job in the play is to help Galileo with his experiments, being his assistant. His purpose in the play is to support Galileo’s theories with his own different perspective. He is a person to prove Galileo’s theories being correct. The hidden message that wants Brecht wants Federzoni to communicate about class structure is that even though he’s in the lower social class, he believes in science and not the church’s words, not like how other lower class people think.
    2. ”Leave her alone. She doesn‘t know whether she‘s on her head or on her heels since they got hold of her. They brought her Father Confessor from Florence” (112). This quote shows that Federzoni is more than being Galileo’s lab assistant because he followed him wherever he went. Even though Galileo is in trouble because of his theories, Federzoni was always on his side and believed his theories.
    3. Federzoni is in the play to show different prospective of people in the lower class. He is in the lower class, but is supporting Galileo’s theories. He is the person in the lower class that is going against the church.
